I wanna be Dave
I hit a delema an it has moved past, to a point.. I decided to go with a couple things that weren't done an I was kinda skipped past but the delema helped me thru it an I'm STOKED with the outcome!
My mini juice had the lcc mod done, but I didn't do it, it came on a traded rig.. it wasn't the best to say the least, it was also half done, chubs, knuckles, one lcc axle an one Mip.. but this is how it looked on the outside..
So my delema led me to the inside.. as I had new lcc cvd's, I planned on doin new ones, tight an precise!
So I got my handy dandy dremel out an got to work.. length first, then grinding an test fitting with every pass.. had a extra ring gear with locker, so it made it semi easy to get thru. End result..
I put them at lock an spun them in my fingers.. very smooth, no wobble.. but I realized there was something off. They didn't feel right. Steering was short..
So apart they came.. I found the cups were diff on the new ones..
A diff version maybe? So I put them together with the new axles an the old cups.. then there was wobble.. every time It spun past the pin it jumped.. so a little trick I always did to my creeper cvd's came to mind.. I grind out the pin slot in the cvd ball end..
Instead of the diamond coated dremel bit I normally use, I had the drill bit handy an just spun it as I worked the cvd back an forth at the ends.. now steering is full out an Smooth! I was goin to go a step further an grind down some area on the axle or take a little more out of the cup edge, but figured if its not enough steering still, ill get on the wraith steering mod faster..
On with it I say.. here is the modded axle ill be running, for now.. od gear, beef tubes, holes for clocked chubs, steel lockers aa is the ring gear an inner locker holding area..
All back together.. its at 7.25" without wideners an over 8" with them.. so ill be taking the wheels apart an flipping the inner 12 spoke plate so the hex is on the inside. That will bring me in under 8"..
On to the "delema" .. the old axle..
A little tiny looking now.. on the inside..
The delema is or was....
Me running it too hard... Hahahaha....... I'll be goin thru the wraith/xr mod with this axle next.. now I can crawl an do the mod with out loosen crawl time. I can also test weight needed/wanted for tuning...
Also during my fun time, I got my tires done...
Now I have to get her back together an get some crawling in.. if um not satisfied, ill be taking the rear axle apart next.. beef tubes an ud gear...
All for now.. more later..
My mini juice had the lcc mod done, but I didn't do it, it came on a traded rig.. it wasn't the best to say the least, it was also half done, chubs, knuckles, one lcc axle an one Mip.. but this is how it looked on the outside..

So my delema led me to the inside.. as I had new lcc cvd's, I planned on doin new ones, tight an precise!

So I got my handy dandy dremel out an got to work.. length first, then grinding an test fitting with every pass.. had a extra ring gear with locker, so it made it semi easy to get thru. End result..

I put them at lock an spun them in my fingers.. very smooth, no wobble.. but I realized there was something off. They didn't feel right. Steering was short..

So apart they came.. I found the cups were diff on the new ones..

A diff version maybe? So I put them together with the new axles an the old cups.. then there was wobble.. every time It spun past the pin it jumped.. so a little trick I always did to my creeper cvd's came to mind.. I grind out the pin slot in the cvd ball end..

Instead of the diamond coated dremel bit I normally use, I had the drill bit handy an just spun it as I worked the cvd back an forth at the ends.. now steering is full out an Smooth! I was goin to go a step further an grind down some area on the axle or take a little more out of the cup edge, but figured if its not enough steering still, ill get on the wraith steering mod faster..
On with it I say.. here is the modded axle ill be running, for now.. od gear, beef tubes, holes for clocked chubs, steel lockers aa is the ring gear an inner locker holding area..

All back together.. its at 7.25" without wideners an over 8" with them.. so ill be taking the wheels apart an flipping the inner 12 spoke plate so the hex is on the inside. That will bring me in under 8"..

On to the "delema" .. the old axle..

A little tiny looking now.. on the inside..

Me running it too hard... Hahahaha....... I'll be goin thru the wraith/xr mod with this axle next.. now I can crawl an do the mod with out loosen crawl time. I can also test weight needed/wanted for tuning...
Also during my fun time, I got my tires done...

Now I have to get her back together an get some crawling in.. if um not satisfied, ill be taking the rear axle apart next.. beef tubes an ud gear...
All for now.. more later..