Try to Bend it
That would depend on how he has his links set up and the amount of clocking applied to the rear axle.
Rig looks great! I'm curious if the rear motor hangs below the lower links at any point during articulation? Just thinking xr rear axles tuck the motor closer to the axle shafts....
That would depend on how he has his links set up and the amount of clocking applied to the rear axle.
Thanks for the pics! Those links look like they work great with the bully2's. Love the stance. On my sudu I run a short rod end at front of the rear link and a long rod end at the rear axle to keep the rear motor clear of the links and to bring me right to 12.45wb
Have you reversed the Throttle channel on the TX? Usually to calibrate a Holmes or Castle ESC you will need to have the throttle channel reversed.
Cracked into the loss of steering issue this eve. Glad to see it was a $10 part not a "new servo required" $$$$$$ part.
Raided the spare parts and found i still had a few more spare horns. Bonus. No postage times and back on track! "thumbsup""thumbsup"
*and yes i do feel like an idiot for not noticing that between switching from the HH servo originaly to the Savox, and then to the Hi-tech that i didn't change from a 25 to a 24 tooth horn.Made my own F-up there!*