Ok, since I switched out the wheel/tire combo, I have been a little less then please with the rig.
Too light and the foam setup just want there.. It was one thing getting use to it from the get go, but getting use to it with 3 comps in 2 weeks and ECC bein one of them.. It's little winning streak pride was Hurt! Lol...
So since I Finally had the other rigs dialed in, I put some time into the little guy this week. Getting ready for the comp this weekend...
I started with the foams. I switched out the 1.9 Pitbull outers for 1.55 Growler outers.. WOW!!! It didn't feel like much of a change in my hands but made a Huge difference on the rocks!
From there I started digging around in my weights. I found 2 diff rings/half rings that mounted inside the knuckles, towards the chub's.
Am I in love with the setup... Not really. Is it working... Yep!
So for now it stays. It's an additional 23-24g a side. The other pair I have that fits inside, doesn't hang down but needed a little work as to fit on correctly and to not limit my steering. Not that these ones don't limit the steering..
Again, not in love with it but it works.. For now.
I changed everything one at a time and ran a couple packs.. After which I noticed each change was a positive one...
Next was the rear.. I looked at half a dozen diff setups, even BMRC rear scx weights an add on weights from Dlux and BMRC.
One wasn't enough, one was to much, one was etc etc etc..
So with a 17g BMRC rear weight add on, to the Dlux holders (it took a little "engineering") I came up with this..
Same theory as above.. No love, but works. And works dam good!
I just came in from the last "tune" pack of the day. The action and reaction of the rig feels back on par with what it once was, before the wheel change. With the added bonus of the mini doo's, doin work, the way they do Work!
The rig is up to 2lbs 7oz now and fittin to stay. Atleast till after this weekend comp.
The last change was one I never thought about. I just took the horrible recovery for what it was.. Until, I had to get my horn away from the shock on my sporty. So I moved on with the same idea for the mini.
The servo mounts mount about .40" from the face of the mounts. So I drilled an tapped a second hole at .20". Thus bringing the servo back towards the chassis and getting the lead edge out of the way. (Which use to keep the front tires from just barely touching the ground). It was cause for a rollover, Every time!
So here's the diff a .20" makes.
This is where my tires use to float above the table when sitting on the servo.
Now, not only do I have actual recoverability, but tire squish to go with it!
So since everything is give an take, when you make a change. What gives!? The steering... It moved the drag link and the horn back as well. I could turn right but not left.
No worries, I saw that problem before I even started!
Then again, I saw that problem when I had a working dremel, to fix the "problem".. Ok, a Dewalt with a grinding stone works..
You can see in the steering pic from the knuck weights, that ya move the servo back a ", ya got to loose a " somewhere else. So I got rid of it on the horn and Everything is just like it was, other then I can get a half decent rollover attempt in now.
Hoping to get video this weekend and better results.