Just the opposite for me. Axial started off as a great idea, but their quality sucked ass. The original SCX10 body mounts, etc were made of rubbery plastic that never broke, but it bent enough to make it useless. The axle housings were great to start. They were glass-filled. Then that magically disappeared from the axle housings and the other parts never improved. When Horizon bought Axial, I was so hopeful they would inject quality. They did, but only somewhat. The plastics from Horizon are much better, but the transmission on say the Capra just never worked reliably as designed.For me Axial lost its soul when it got bought by Horizon. I would have preferred to see the Iconic brand remain in the hands of guys who are more personally invested in it . Not surprised Rich left. I don't know Rich personally, but I would have rather seen Horizon let him fix the Ascender rather than shit-can it altogether. Horizon buys success, admirable company's create it