The DC
Quarry Creeper
I don't currently have any long guns (actually,didn't realize that it'd happened until it had,LOL,do a lot of "horse tradin' ",but these 4 have been around a while...
For EDC CCW it's one of these two:
Kel-Tec P11 9mm

Or EAA Windicator .357 Magnum (this is an inexpensice little revolver with a bit of weight to it,but she shoots so well I really like it )

Smith & Wesson SD40 .40 (the "Car Gun",LOL,as I have a perminent holster mounted within easy reach of the driver's this day and age ya never know :ror: )

And my favorite of those currently owned (while I most often carry a semi-auto,I really dig revolvers),Taurus Model 608 (large frame,8 shot) .357 Magnum with 6.5" barrel).

For EDC CCW it's one of these two:
Kel-Tec P11 9mm

Or EAA Windicator .357 Magnum (this is an inexpensice little revolver with a bit of weight to it,but she shoots so well I really like it )

Smith & Wesson SD40 .40 (the "Car Gun",LOL,as I have a perminent holster mounted within easy reach of the driver's this day and age ya never know :ror: )

And my favorite of those currently owned (while I most often carry a semi-auto,I really dig revolvers),Taurus Model 608 (large frame,8 shot) .357 Magnum with 6.5" barrel).