Really nice build B! Its a tight and clean package, you fit it all in their nicely
Should climb like a goat!

Thanks TB!"thumbsup" I did have the mounts bolted to the shock towers at first, but that made it difficult to lower the body over the towers. Mounts bolted to the rails was an easy fix and will secure the body better!
I gotta say, these GSpeed body post mounts are great! So many ways to use these and I like that they have 2 mounting screws on them. I tried to use the KNK mounts in the past, but with only having 1 mounting screw, I couldn't keep them from twisting and moving around.
Quick question, have you had a chance to try out your new NSDRC servos? I have an RS800 V2 in my cart and haven't pulled the trigger yet. I'm struggling to choose between this or the 3Bros G14!
Really nice build B! Its a tight and clean package, you fit it all in their nicelyShould climb like a goat!
Sweeeeeeet !!!
~ More peace, love, and kindness would make the world a much better place
Man this one turned out sweet! Love the scheme. Unique and clean. You did a great job putting this whole build together. Bravo.
The gspeed body post holders are nice, I prefer them over the knk as well. I had 3D printed a brace that would connect each body post on the knk but they still lean a bit.
I have been running the rs800v2 in both the gspeed and the Sherpa. I have another one going in the v1c1. It’s a great servo. They are very strong and quiet. Not quite as fast as the hh v3 but not slow by any means either. Working out very well for me thus far "thumbsup"
That looks awesome brian! Like how the fish net design turned out. Cant wait to see it out on the trail
looks sweet brian how did you do your winch cable routing"thumbsup"
Oh my goodness :-o that paint is sick AF! Great job bro!
looks sweet brian how did you do your winch cable routing"thumbsup"
Excellent build. Just found the total weight in your post. This really has my interest.
Man thats lookin good brian! Got a tgh fmm in the mail this mornin. Idk if thats the route i wanna go though. Still debatin on doin like u did n use an exsistin rig to build from. Wats your take on it? U glad u went that route, or wish youd kept the origin n bought wat u needed? Im on the fence about that. I love both my vs4s. Dont wanna regret using one for another build if u know wat i mean
Very clean wiring and the rs800v2 looks great there. "thumbsup"
Well, i ended up tearin down my first vs4 last nite lol. Pulled all that parts i needed from my scx10.2 n put in that chassis. Goina follow the leader n go with the vfd instead. Everywhere i look, everybodys out of the tgh transfer case. May hold onto that fmm for now
Sorry bama, I missed your post!
Nice to hear you decided to use your VS4-10. I know it's tough to rob parts from them, but in the end it is totally worth it!Can't wait to see the progress you have made on it! You won't be disappointed in using the VFD. It fits in so well!
Good luck on finding anything TGH! They sell out in minutes if not seconds once they are posted for sale!
I was a bit leary of snaggin parts, but glad i did. Its been sittin on the bench awaiting electronics positioning lol. Need to cut the motor wires n put new ends on them. Make sure everything is all good n tear it back down onr more time for final assym. Ive played around with the the nitro pro servo im goina use, its pretty quick, just hope its got the torque. Its says 550+oz @ 8.4v.
I posted some pic links in the gspeed pics only section. Havent started a thread on it yet though
I really like how this one turned out!