Rock Crawler
It’s a paltry few grams for a lot of peace of mind.
Brian, i just had a thought brother. I was lookin back thru this thread on how n which skid u used for the vfd. U mentioned u wanted to used the spur cover but it wouldve set the trans back to far. What about notchin the cover where the servo mount would hit? U would atleast b able to cover the spur n pinion. When i was settin up the links for my vs4 with the trx4 axles, i had to notch the cover n clearance the motor mount just a tiny bit to clear the upper link. But still managed to keep the cover.
I think if u took it back to where the face of the cover angles back to the sides, it would b enuf to clear your servo mount. Wouldnt have to take alot out of it, so itd still b in one piece. Hope i made since with this lol. It sounds right in my mind...
Something like this?
Thats exactly what i was thinkin lou. That actually looks pretty good, bettdr than i had expected
Wat about a thin aluminum sheet from where the trans mounts to the skid all the way to the spur cover? Maybe a thin piece of delrin? Thatd give the protection youre lookin for, but let it slide better than the aluminum. May shim the trans up just a touch, but i wouldnt think itd be noticable
Hey guys, I had a problem with that brace and spur gear clearance on my motor forward setup. After thinking through it I just remove that cross brace from the servo mount. Since the mount is bolted to the chassis right there I don't think the removal is going to create any problems. "thumbsup"
Very welcome brother! I searched delrin sheets, thinnest i could find was 1/16"
Never thought about that ernie. Not a bad idea there either
Thats lookin good brian! Good idea on leavin part of the servo mount. A lil rigidity goes a long way most times.
The way youre doin that kydex is how i was thinkin of in my mind. Comin along nicely brother!
That turned out real nice! This whole truck is looking pretty dialed.
Looks great! I pulled the trigger on a V3 setup for the Element. I hope to post some pictures. Thanks to everyone for all the info!
I dig it. I also like what you did with the rear body mounts... I'm going to copy this too, lol. My Class 3 Gspeed has a similar issue with the rear end of the body. I just need it to sit about 1/4" lower than it does...
Excellent work. Also a big fan of the rear body mount solution. I have a creep body on a Sherpa and have a workaround for the rear using the holes in the shock tower but I like this a lot more. Nice job and thanks for sharing.
This is how mine ended up...