Now it's time to open bag H-1 that has the body parts such as the grill/radiator, light buckets and more.
I decided to go with the grill made by Scale Built that I bought on Shapeways. I wanted more of a "Scout" look on the PRO. It is made out of a black nylon plastic with a matte finish and has a fairly nice smooth finish to it.
Since this grill has nice big slots in it, I thought the radiator would look good painted silver. I used a silver Sharpie to coat it the best I could.
Here is a shot of the front end with the grill and radiator attached. I like how the silver rad looks behind the grill. It adds a little extra something! Oh and I also used the silver Sharpie to paint the front and rear light buckets. I don't have a light kit for it yet. If I don't make my own set of lights, I will probably either get the Powershift RC light kit or the LIT LED kit.
Side shot without decals!
Don't pay attention to the wheels. They are temporary and will be replaced with an awesome looking set of wheels that are in the mail and should be here this week.
Here is a shot of the rear bed area. I cut the overspray film on the body around the top edge and sprayed it black to match the interior. I wanted the black to flow from the front of the hood all the way back to the rear of the bed.
I was really impressed with how Codyboy's VS4-10 PRO turned out with the rear roll bar, so my plan is to make steel tube roll bar for the rear of mine. It will be my first time brazing in about 30 years, so it may take some time get the hang of it again.
More to come...