Quarry Creeper
Everything looks just incredible B-mow. 1st rate on everything. The kicker for me is the keg of Coors Latte the little dude is holding! AWESOME. Need one to put in the back of my Ultra!
Everything looks just incredible B-mow. 1st rate on everything. The kicker for me is the keg of Coors Latte the little dude is holding! AWESOME. Need one to put in the back of my Ultra!
Real nice touch on those gauges. They add a lot to the interior depth.
x2 on powershift light kits. Solid value and great quality from them.
Truck is coming along great "thumbsup"
Thanks Tim!"thumbsup" Yeah, I've wanted a scale garage for a long time. Luckily my Enduro came with one!I hear ya on the printing! My 3D printer has been running non-stop on the garage accessories!
I didn't realize there was different color LED kits. I only saw this kit which is has the bright LED's. The yellow bulbs would look more scale to the old school body design.
I "borrowed" some of the foam strips from work awhile back. I use these strips on all of my rigs. It really helps to cushion the battery and helps keep it secure. We get it from McMaster-Carr. It is in a roll, but the price is good. It would last you a lifetime of builds too!:lmao:
Here is a screenshot:
That is not a very good pic. It is a foam neoprene with adhesive backing. 1/8" thick x 1/2" wide, 50' roll for $6.68. Part #8694K16
Thank you! For under $7 a roll I'm in. I'll pickup some hardware at the same time.
The RC4WD mirrors look awesome as well.
That rig is really lookin great! I've really gotta start on mine.
That looks fantastic.
Wow! Excellent work on that fuel cell. "thumbsup"
That fuel cell is spot on! I haven’t used styrene in, oh 44 yrs? Yeah, it was 6th grade and I built several WWII dioramas. That was fun!
I see so many great builders doing absolutely fabulous work with styrene. I’m going to try my hand a tube fabrication on my SCX-10 II build.
Anywho, terrific work!
Looks Great
What are you powering the lights with? From your receiver or battery? I just picked these up too. In your picture they look plenty bright.First up is the lights. I bought a set of Powershift RC lights designed for the VS4-10. On my Origin I made up a set of LED lights from scratch and this time I decided to try out the Powershift set. This is a great LED kit for the price! It comes complete and ready to install. I installed a set of these on my Marlin last year and have great luck with them.
What are you powering the lights with? From your receiver or battery? I just picked these up too. In your picture they look plenty bright.
Your truck looks amazing BTW!
I really like that roll bar!! Looks great! BTW guess who else got a pro!! I got gotta get a thread up! It's built, painted but waiting on electronics!! Damn outa stock!!