i'm a newbie to the 1/18 scale rock crawling world but as you'll soon find out i've got a guru mrc, found a non running losi mrc for $80USD on ebay back in October 2010 and decided to see what hop-ups i could find, big mistake i found the little Losi has a pile of hop-ups.... so far i've replaced everything except diffs, receiver and controller, transmission input shaft, wheels and tyres (soon to be replaced), now running all alloy transmission by hot racing (housing and gears), novak mongoose ESC, brushless 18.5 turn novak motor, proline descender body painted blue, alloy shocks, alloy lockers, stainless screw kit, also replaced all the bearings... the following list is blue alloy bits and pieces, chassis plates, skid plate, battery plate, steer links, rear hubs, front C hubs and knuckles, clearance links, drive shafts, 3 link connectors, engine mount plate, i think i havent missed anything...
future mods are metal geared mini servo, alloy beadlockers with Mick Thompson tyres, 3 cell lipo battery, tamiya plugs
i've spent alot of time, effort and $$$ on it and it would be a crime if i dont post up some pics so i'll be posting some pics up soon