I wanna be Dave
I will kick this off by saying, "I know the RAV4 isn't, and never was, intended to be a *true* off-road vehicle." It is a compact crossover, with fairly-light off-roading capabilities. However, that has never stopped anyone from transforming these into more capable off-road vehicles. At the same time, such is NOT my 'intent' is to make it look (inside & out) and sound (as in, the sound system) better, while also very slightly increasing it's off-road drivability. For those who don't really like reading (if that's 'you', then what are you even doing in an online's mostly about "reading"), allow me to present what I just said in a "visual 'before & after' way".
When I'm ready for another REAL 4x4, it'll be another Tacoma, or a 4Runner, or a Tundra...or, if they bring them back, an FJ (and if you're starting to think I have a preference for Toyota vehicles, you got that right). Now that that's our of the way, I could have just posted occasional photos within a general 1:1 thread...but, I thought it might be *interesting* to do something akin to a 1:10 build thread...thus, my "Metamorphosis" thread.
The first upgrade installed is actually one I transferred over from my Prius - a dashcam system. Being somewhat on the "security conscious" side of things, it should be obvious that I wouldn't post any photos. What I will say about it is this - it is currently a 2-channel system...but, through the addition of additional cameras, and a control box, it will (eventually) be turned into a 5-channel system. Although I'm currently undecided on this, I might (eventually) install a secondary system, with it's own separate control unit, so as to provide 360-degree exterior coverage, plus interior coverage with hidden cameras. Like I said, I'm a bit on the "security conscious" side...but, not so much that I'm not willing to provide some basic info. Providing such basic info could help others interested in doing the same.
With the planned 5-channel configuration, there would be one interior front-exterior-facing camera, one interior rear-exterior-facing camera, two exterior side cameras, and one interior camera covering the interior. Should I decide to add the proposed secondary system, that system would be operating 4 interior cameras, one positioned at each 'side' (front rear-facing, rear front-facing, left right-facing, & right left-facing), covering the entire interior. When you live in a metropolitan area where a high number of car vehicles are stolen, broken into, and carjacked, you can't be "too careful".
Now, onto the second upgrade...which, admittedly, is really nothing more than a "visual upgrade". Before I "cover" what it is, here's a 'before' photo. For all updates, I will post (whenever possible) 'before' and 'after' photos.
I picked up the black emblem XLE overlay set. For some vehicle colors (black, dark metallic gray), adding the overlays wouldn't even be noticeable. With other colors (Lunar Rock), it's noticeable, but doesn't really "visually improve" anything. However, for certain colors (Metallic Ruby, Blueprint, white), it can have a dramatic effect. (NOTE RELATED TO A SPECIFIC FUTURE UPGRADE - if I can get a certain set of other, nearly impossible to obtain, emblems, adding the black overlays that I did today will make even more sense).
That's all I have for now. I know it wasn't much, but everything has its matter how small it might be, it's still a "beginning". I don't consider this first installment to be a "downer"...but, I do promise that the next update will be very "uplifting".
~ More peace, love, laughter, & kindness would make the world a MUCH better place

When I'm ready for another REAL 4x4, it'll be another Tacoma, or a 4Runner, or a Tundra...or, if they bring them back, an FJ (and if you're starting to think I have a preference for Toyota vehicles, you got that right). Now that that's our of the way, I could have just posted occasional photos within a general 1:1 thread...but, I thought it might be *interesting* to do something akin to a 1:10 build thread...thus, my "Metamorphosis" thread.
The first upgrade installed is actually one I transferred over from my Prius - a dashcam system. Being somewhat on the "security conscious" side of things, it should be obvious that I wouldn't post any photos. What I will say about it is this - it is currently a 2-channel system...but, through the addition of additional cameras, and a control box, it will (eventually) be turned into a 5-channel system. Although I'm currently undecided on this, I might (eventually) install a secondary system, with it's own separate control unit, so as to provide 360-degree exterior coverage, plus interior coverage with hidden cameras. Like I said, I'm a bit on the "security conscious" side...but, not so much that I'm not willing to provide some basic info. Providing such basic info could help others interested in doing the same.
With the planned 5-channel configuration, there would be one interior front-exterior-facing camera, one interior rear-exterior-facing camera, two exterior side cameras, and one interior camera covering the interior. Should I decide to add the proposed secondary system, that system would be operating 4 interior cameras, one positioned at each 'side' (front rear-facing, rear front-facing, left right-facing, & right left-facing), covering the entire interior. When you live in a metropolitan area where a high number of car vehicles are stolen, broken into, and carjacked, you can't be "too careful".
Now, onto the second upgrade...which, admittedly, is really nothing more than a "visual upgrade". Before I "cover" what it is, here's a 'before' photo. For all updates, I will post (whenever possible) 'before' and 'after' photos.

I picked up the black emblem XLE overlay set. For some vehicle colors (black, dark metallic gray), adding the overlays wouldn't even be noticeable. With other colors (Lunar Rock), it's noticeable, but doesn't really "visually improve" anything. However, for certain colors (Metallic Ruby, Blueprint, white), it can have a dramatic effect. (NOTE RELATED TO A SPECIFIC FUTURE UPGRADE - if I can get a certain set of other, nearly impossible to obtain, emblems, adding the black overlays that I did today will make even more sense).

That's all I have for now. I know it wasn't much, but everything has its matter how small it might be, it's still a "beginning". I don't consider this first installment to be a "downer"...but, I do promise that the next update will be very "uplifting".
~ More peace, love, laughter, & kindness would make the world a MUCH better place