Axle housing center chunk protection.
Home brew scuff rings (steel) encircling the axle center chunk's
lower half.
The purpose for these is to protect the vulnerable center line
of the axle's center chunk.
It is thin material on the underside and besides the rock grinding...
the ring gear also grooves/thins the interior slightly as well.
^ (axle flex someone proposed)
Steel slides better then most other materials
and handles the grinding with less wear to it.
painted my scuff rings black...
so it would be easier to define the abrasion/wear areas.
Holding up fairly well that I can tell...
so would seem that E6000 is up to the task.
But I'll hammer on them some more, just to be sure.
screw waiting for some mfgr to get busy with it !? Lol
Cheap to do... easily made....
The end cap is discarded ^
I bought the E6000 from Michael's arts and craft store.
But it should be available for purchase most anywhere.
I used a smaller 2" diameter steel hair spray can (found in a trash can)
I used a cut off wheel to cut the appropriate ring width off the can.
But I'm sure other cutting methods could be used as well.
btw... a single ring cut off the 2" OD aerosol can... is enough to do 2 axles wrapped 180*
so a single can will produce more then a few replacements.
Try to keep the ring round/smooth and without kinks or bends to it's surface.
the goal is to keep the ring's surface contact contoured precisely to the center chunks OD.
Doing so will insure a better seal/seating when adhered with the E6000.
Use a magnet to be sure the aerosol can is made of steel.
Some are constructed using aluminum.
Note !! be sure the pressure in the can is vented out
prior to puncturing the can.
I applied the E6000 to both the axle housing surface
and on the inner surface of the steel ring.
Then simply pressed it on to the axle's surface...
wiping any excess from the rings edges.
^ be sure to clean the axle's exterior prior to gluing.
I use rubbing alcohol to be sure it's free of surface oils.
btw... single replacement SCX-10 axle housings cost near $ 15.00 shipped :shock:
so doing this... will make 'dem last longer ;-)