I wanna be Dave
It was one of these, that started my knife "collection"..
My late grandfather gave it (not this exact one, but same model) to me for my 8th b-day.
I lost the OG one at a drive in movie, with my mom and sister. Went back the next day to look for it, never to be found.
It's a Radio Shack electrician model. Made for Radio Shack, almost 30yrs ago..
Since then.. well.. lots of knives, later..
Main go to, years back, were CRKT's.. Still have a boot box, with them loaded in..
Now, I have a "collection" of Spyderco's. Many are sprint runs(limited to 1,200), factory exclusives(first run is 1,200. Exclusives can be reproduced at any time), or discontinued. A handful or so, with custom scales, clips, regrinds, scale swaps, etc, etc, etc.. (pics posted, through out this thread)
I have some new ones though. I'll get pics.
It's Great to see all the knife's!
The reason I keep saying "collection".. is because I feel a lot of ppl see, collection, and think they don't get used.
I just have a lot of knife's and they all get carried. So.. "collection".. lol

My late grandfather gave it (not this exact one, but same model) to me for my 8th b-day.
I lost the OG one at a drive in movie, with my mom and sister. Went back the next day to look for it, never to be found.
It's a Radio Shack electrician model. Made for Radio Shack, almost 30yrs ago..
Since then.. well.. lots of knives, later..
Main go to, years back, were CRKT's.. Still have a boot box, with them loaded in..
Now, I have a "collection" of Spyderco's. Many are sprint runs(limited to 1,200), factory exclusives(first run is 1,200. Exclusives can be reproduced at any time), or discontinued. A handful or so, with custom scales, clips, regrinds, scale swaps, etc, etc, etc.. (pics posted, through out this thread)
I have some new ones though. I'll get pics.
It's Great to see all the knife's!
The reason I keep saying "collection".. is because I feel a lot of ppl see, collection, and think they don't get used.
I just have a lot of knife's and they all get carried. So.. "collection".. lol