Rock Crawler
Is that a +2 or +3 on the G26? I really like how their base plates blend with the factory lines better. I need to pick one up for sure!
Been wanting something with a light rail. Rather than spend the coin on an all new gun, I just picked up a Poly 80 lower for my G26. It's always been dead nuts reliable, and I shoot it well. That, along with the price difference between the two options meant this made the most sense to me. Also picked up some Meprolight night sights, and an Olight PL-MINI 2. Took it to the range today for it's first 200rds, and it ran flawlessly. Was a bit tight at first cycling by hand, but it's smooth as can be now. Really happy with how it turned out. "thumbsup"
Covered in crud and excess oil after running it in today, but you get the idea
Thanks Tim. I have a NAA, not sure on the model. I only bought it because my Grandpa carried one for years, and I didn't get it when he was gone. I have the combo with both .22LR and .22WMR cylinders. They are very well built little guns, but I can't hit shit with mine from more than a few feet away. It's my cycling carry with the first round being ratshot, fits in a jersey pocket perfectly.
Thanks Tim. I have a NAA, not sure on the model. I only bought it because my Grandpa carried one for years, and I didn't get it when he was gone. I have the combo with both .22LR and .22WMR cylinders. They are very well built little guns, but I can't hit shit with mine from more than a few feet away. It's my cycling carry with the first round being ratshot, fits in a jersey pocket perfectly.
I had one of these, and you're right, you cant hit anything accurately more than a couple feet away. However, someone grabs you and you can use it, it will disable an attacker long enough to turn around and kick the shit out of him.
That's very true, and another reason the .22WMR option is appealing. There's a HUGE difference in .22LR and .22WMR. But, like I said, it's a novelty item for me. I'd literally grab anything else in my collection for carry purposes. BUT, on those rare occasions when this is all I have on me, it's still better than nothing at all for sure. And, they're made in the US, and incredibly well made too. I should really spend a bit more time with it on my next gun outing and work on shooting it at least a little better. If that's even possible. :mrgreen:
^^Good point about barrel length.
I got the first holster done this evening. Came out decent for my first try I think, and I learned things to carry into my next build for sure. "thumbsup"
Also got my Hyve extension installed. Had to do some trimming on the retainer piece due to differences in the P80 frame, but I'm really happy with it.