Some think is wrong. Did you take the motor apart? I bet you threw the wind or hung brush
i'll check it out tonight. it ran fine, just with the batt unplugged and turning a wheel by hand it feels uber bound up... just odd.
Some think is wrong. Did you take the motor apart? I bet you threw the wind or hung brush
i'll check it out tonight. it ran fine, just with the batt unplugged and turning a wheel by hand it feels uber bound up... just odd.
:twisted: My new weapon :twisted:
:twisted: My new weapon :twisted:
YOU are going to run a truck someone else built?
I don't going to drive it. I going to kick you a$$ with it. It is Undefeated!!!!! :twisted:
Pretty Cool.. I'm the other guy with the Axial 1.9 Scale Rig.. My brother and I just want to get together with some other rigs, get em' dirty and break stuff. So, we figured this would be a good opportunity to do so.. considering we cant get anyone we know to spend any money on a scale rig.
How many are expected to attend on Sunday 28th?
We're just going to have fun on 1.9 this time, then maybe next time we'll compete for real. We plan on being water-proofed either way.
Thanks. Im going to look through the rest of the thread and see whats up.
i'll bring my 1.9 leafer hilift in case anybody wants to stick around for awhile after the comp.
Both the Wraith and the Taco are running now. The Wraith had eaten about 12 teeth off of the 80T Spur. It is now on a 56T/11T with 4S. Maybe be too low geared but we will see. The Taco now has 54T/12T (gear ratio of 4.50, when I got it, it was at 6.09) and the shafts now clear the gears.
Tomorrow night and Saturday I will work on Oly and see how far I can get.