I'm sorry but this release strategy is extremely frustrating.... we still dont have specific specs (wheelbase, width, dimensions, angle of approach, RELEASE DATE) or more importantly a PRICE. We have pictures, videos, etc but we still dont have a PRICE. I'm trying to form an opinion of whether this thing is going to be worthwhile to buy or not and a HUGE factor in a consumer making a purchase decision is based on the price. BigSquidRC even posted on their post today something to the effect of "preorder it soon before the first shipment sells out." That's all well and good, but A. what is the PRICE? and B. where are we even supposed to preorder it? I googled the part number for the kit and found nothing.
I feel like HPI has done this before with these new product releases and they are just frustrating... I mean compare it with Axial or Associated. They sometimes release a teaser to wet our appetites, but when they finally release a picture and the name of the vehicle, there's a price to go along with it so that people know whether or not the thing is even of any interest to them!
HPI could be on to something with this FJ, but without a price and now going on weeks of limited information, how are we even supposed to know if we want one or not? If the price is $300 then yea, I'll probably get one... but with a licensed body, all these aluminum pieces, and coming in RTR form, I'm going to guess this is going to be in the $400-$450 range... at which time I will pass.