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1.9 LCG second hand trail truck

2 of 3 bodies have arrived!

Toyota landcruiser


Toyota 4runner


Thinking of white for the 4 runner and red for the Land Cruiser. The proline Cherokee body will be blue, see the theme?

New servo has arrived!


I really wanted some full colored servo from reefs or nsdrc but there were none that I wanted with enough torques. This one claims 765oz- 1025oz. That will be plenty enough for this and then some. Rig doesn’t weigh even close to my other trail trucks (trx4 around 10.5lbs) and the added weight for the most part is not rotational.

Working on little things.

Replaced the mismatched driveshafts for some vanquish stock shafts.


Had to trim down the transfer to motor driveshaft and found out that the 1/4 inch I had to take off was the only 1/4 inch the driveshaft had of splines. lol. Just free spins! I have a new, shorter one coming tomorrow from bezos, so that’ll fix it.


And then to start prepping bodies for paint and getting them painted!
New shaft is in and it fits perfect.


Also allowed for clearance between the front driveshaft and motor/ t case shaft. The other shafts touched upon rotation and were starting to rub the plastic down, which in turn created a small bind when the grub screws came around to each other.

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The new release Cherokee body from proline came in today! Just received shipping notice yesterday too. Can’t wait to trim it and slap some paint on it

I can’t remember if these were less wide than the axial Cherokee bodies. Always thought those were too wide. But glad to have a 97+ body style

Trimmed the 4 runner body and Cherokee body this morning. Little sanding to do on the edges of the runner body and mask it.



Thinking I’m gonna have to trim off the flares, don’t like flares anyway and the front bumper, maybe rear bumper of the Cherokee body. It’s definitely gonna rub if not


A 4Runner body for it. Toyota body fits a bit better than the Cherokee body, think due to the width of the bodies. Need new sliders for the Cherokee as these ones look funny and don’t match the rockers well.



Got it out on some rocks today. Minor trimming is needed for both bodies but I’m happier with these bodies than the ugly gen7 body.

Took the 4Runner with me to a swap meet, which so happened to be at a hobby shop (mid ozarks) in Salem, Mo. It’s a buddy of ours shop that I don’t visit as much as I should because his track is legit. Tons of good lines, spots that really work the truck and see its potential.

Took the rig out today to an awesome state park where the lines are plentiful. The rocks are sticky and the views are great.

This little thing is a Billy goat. It could use just a tad bit more weight to get some more traction but if you just inch the throttle it will spin and eventually grab. Puts a smile on my face seeing this thing crawl up stuff others can’t or they are more $$$ than itself.

I tossed a new fusion in it when I first took it out and it surprised me so I’m thinking of doing some killer axles on it.

Since I beat the snot out of the team c 4Runner body. It’s all cracked and now gorilla taped up. I ordered a proline 4Runner body in hopes that it will not break on the first all day trail run.


Definitely gonna paint it matte white this time and put some slick Toyota decals on it.

Also, picked up a new friend for it while I was at the hobby shop grabbing paint. New base camp looks good with the body additions. Not a huge fan of portals but I plan on putting an Rc4wd Toyota body on it, not sure which one either pickup or 4Runner.

New body is cut, painted and stickered up. I’m gonna ad more decals soon just need the wife to break out the cricket lol oh and definitely gonna tint the windows. Like a fish bowl in that thing!


New diamond axles are installed as well. I think alls it needs is a fresh set of shocks!

Brought this thing with me to an indoor course today. This thing still surprises me even though I dealt with some servo issues. Probably not buying a shift rc servo again. This thing is finicky, randomly locks for split second then pops back straight. Anyway, truck did good. Fun little rig to drive that runs decent lines and climbs well.



Probably not buying a shift rc servo again. This thing is finicky, randomly locks for split second then pops back straight.
Fyi, might be getting brown outs from the bec if you are using the built in bec on the fusion se (i don't see an external bec in the pictures). Fusion se lists a 4amp bec and that servo can draw almost 7amps under load at 7.4v.
Fyi, might be getting brown outs from the bec if you are using the built in bec on the fusion se (i don't see an external bec in the pictures). Fusion se lists a 4amp bec and that servo can draw almost 7amps under load at 7.4v.

That’s probably it tbh. I’m sure I’ve got a few external bec laying around, I can add it along with the built in one right? I don’t normally use a bec, just because of previous issues. They were probably my fault lol.
You can. It basically needs to bypass the power from the receiver (power from the fusion bec) and send power direct from the external bec. Only the signal wire and ground from the servo will still connect to the receiver.

I've used these harnesses from Holmes the times I've used an external bec.
