Update to this rig.
Frame is toast. Added castle bec, nsdrc bypass and servo is fine without glitching but noticed I wasn’t getting full lock to the left.
Turns out frame flexes really bad to the left, not sure why but the frame imo is toast. It was a cheap eBay one I’m assuming (I didn’t buy it) and with the self tappers being screwed right through the frame, I’m sure that didn’t help it.
I’ll still drive it because it can be a little Billy goat, but I’m definitely looking for another lcg chassis.
Frame is toast. Added castle bec, nsdrc bypass and servo is fine without glitching but noticed I wasn’t getting full lock to the left.
Turns out frame flexes really bad to the left, not sure why but the frame imo is toast. It was a cheap eBay one I’m assuming (I didn’t buy it) and with the self tappers being screwed right through the frame, I’m sure that didn’t help it.
I’ll still drive it because it can be a little Billy goat, but I’m definitely looking for another lcg chassis.