Wicked Monkey
Rock Crawler
Anyone can own a knife and cut stuff with it. Knowing how to care for a gun and use it effectively, that's skill...This is the internet so I cant tell if you were serious with your opening words but if so, why come in here and say that? I'm sure we all appreciate a nice knife as well as a fine firearm, I know I do.. I just personally don't care to own fancy and/or expensive knives.. I use and abuse my daily carry knife.. The blade gets nicked and dull and they sometimes inevitably get lost.
That really wasn't a knock on firearms. Wasn't meant to be anyway. I just personally have a love affair with knives. I've fired many guns before, big, small, exotic and mundane. But I love the simplicity of knives and the workmanship that goes into a well-made knife. Again, no disrespect intended towards firearms or those that like them. Also, OPINEL knives are not fancy or expensive in any stretch of the imagination. They were known as peasants knives when they first came about. And they are still finely crafted and relatively cheap for the excellent quality.
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