That is very simular to my son's set up minus the scope. "thumbsup"
My Glock 19 with Ka-Bar bayonet. wife got me the bayonet for xmas. I put it on for fun, but my light stays on 99% of the time. I also have an 870 with a 18in barrel, pistol grip and a foregrip. I'll post a picture of that some time.
Look what followed me home from the store.
Isn't it cute? ;-)
Is that the SR22?
Yes sir.
Very nice. I was debating between the SR22 and a Walther P22. Both seem and feel like very nice pistols. I carry a Smith & Wesson Bodyguard .380 myself. Very nice gun for a CCW.Been looking for one for months, just didn't want to pay a ridiculous price for one.
My LGS finally received a shipment yesterday. Called me last night! Picked it up this morning. "thumbsup"