... my new favorite way to bake a potato.
Slice it before cooking, drizzle with olive oil and salt and pepper.
Crispy outside, soft inside.
I'm on my way to your house Joel! You're making me drool.
(pardon the one slide per post, RCC won't let me upload more than one at a time...annoying as hell, please help.)
Shall I make my homemade honey mustard for your dipping pleasure? It really completes the trilogy.
**** you Joel, sensory overload :ror:
Why u no have upload skillz?
You should be able to upload plenty pics at once using the website uploader.
I upload from URLs using the windows at the bottom of your screen capture. I used to be able to paste separate image locations into all of the windows and then hit upload and all of the images would show in the preview. Now it only previews and keeps the first one in the list. All of the other image locations are ignored.
UR korekt. No tango skills.
Ah. I've never used that method. I always just browse into my hard drive and find the images that way.
If my images are already at a URL (photobucket or facebook), I just take the URL and put image tags around it like a boss.
That sounds like a good solution...what are image tags? I know. Please don't hit me. Example please.