Hello! My "name" is Heartless and I am a
female RC addict from North-central Wisconsin...
It all started with the resurection of an original 1983 Tamiya Brat about 4 or 5 years ago...
We (myself and the other half - madkow007) now have a total of
14 fully operational RCs, 1 scale truck in the works, and one original Tamiya Lunchbox that could be made operational with some upgraded electronics.
The 14 include...
3 - Traxxas Slash 2wd
1 - Traxxas Slash 4x4 (the only Traxxas bought brand new)
2 - Traxxas Rustlers - built up from spare parts
2 - Traxxas Mini Revos (1/16) (<wicked fast little buggars!)
2 - Redcat RS-10 Rockslides (1/10)
2 - Redcat Sumo's (1/24?) (for those cold winter days - can play indoors!)
The above mentioned original Tamiya Brat, and
1 - re-release Tamiya Brat
In the process of building a scale 1967 F-250 (
thread here)
And have a few other ideas bouncing around in my head for future builds - but, I have to finish my college career and get a job first! :???: Darn prioritites!
Yes, I am a full time +* college student, at the age of 49 - going for an Associates degree (* full time is 12 credit hours - I am currently pulling 16 :shock: )
And, No, I am not a "typical" female - I like cars/trucks/motorcycles (large and small) - and everything that goes with them. I would rather spend time in the garage wrenching than playing Suzy Homemaker. I spent 18 years as a solo long haul truckdriver, but problems with my left foot (clutch foot) put the kibash on that (thus the return to school).
So that is a little (too much?) about me. :mrgreen: