Pebble Pounder
newbie here ......... 1st post
Ever thought of maybe cleaning that rig before you put it on the web for the whole world to see?:roll:I'm a newbie again! I remember when the RC10T was first released & I placed my pre-order for it, who can remember those days.
Anyway I wanted to get back into it again but in the past 20+ years I have acquired some more skills since the old rc days & figured since I was a mechanic/welder & have built many offroad toys that I would build a tuber & so that I could get back into driving quickly I used an Axial ax10 rtr for a base & am sure that by the time I am done buying & upgrading I will have a second complete crawler & my son wants to build one so I can pass some skills on to him.
I have been lurking on this & other forums for a while now getting back up to speed & love pictures of all of the builds so I will include some of my almost done project.
I am in the CA San Bernardino mountains so if someone would like to gtg I am all for it!
Here are some pics:
And what thread would be complete without the poser shots!
I have some definite opinions about stuff, 1 is of all of the pics on the net of tubers most of them look like the chassis is too small.
But that may just be me so I built mine to look more in proportion to my eyes.
I hope you all like it.