Yeah, I know, another H10.
Anyways, Really liked the looks of this thing when they announced it so, ordered one that morning. Had it in my hands 2 days later. Drove it completely stock the first day and, was impressed with how it performed. That night I changed the motor to an 1800kv Fusion se and, added an NSDRC RS500b for steering duties. also decided to try my luck at wrapping it. Still in the process of trying different tires to see which I like best. Whatever ones I decide on will end up on the purple wheels. Mine is the blue Sparco one and, the other pics are

after the wrap. I was gonna paint the grill black but, found an FJ style grill for it so, I'm just waiting on a friend to print it out for me. I also changed the stock electronics over to my Radiolink radio for more adjustments. I'll add more as changes are made.