Took the dog to the park with my onewheel; although I have a flat tire. (The new one hasn't arrived yet) . Stayed there for a good two hours before heading back home to dry the dog with the blower. Pulled out the kids crazy cart xl and sold it after showing the guy that it functions. Then I went to my LHS and ordered me some jconcepts monster truck tires, where I got sick to my stomach and threw up! A few days ago, I was "penetrated" by an insect on my knee, and am having a allergic reaction, to where I required antibiotics. I forgot to eat something and only had a coffee. Frank @ acehobby what a Great guy, checked up on me as I had to evacuate the building and my stomach of its little contents. Boooo, what a terrible feeling. Got texted by the woman to get eggs, so, I stopped by Costco and got a slice of pizza and the eggs. Went home to cuddle up to the dog and took a good 2-3 hour nap on her bed. Woke up and had the idea to take the incomplete halo 3 game my son had bought the day before and try to get the rest or a complete game with campaign. No luck because he didn't have a receipt anymore and there were no compleete games available for sale.