Anyone have any suggestions on alternative places to mount a 2 or 3 cell lipo?
You could always chop the batery tray and use the two inner mounts for suport and leave the two outer wholes for just the shocks.
Anyone have any suggestions on alternative places to mount a 2 or 3 cell lipo?
thats how i made my homemade kit just need to get 4 longer bolts for the lower shock and link mount
actually that is quite nice, how do you rate that setup?
not me i like my creeper being a creeper i like the amount of gear reduction in the trans and i am still using the stock battery tray/spacers i did notch my tray so i could fit a lipo on the side of the tranny i will post some pics later
hows that set internal springs only? let us know how it works. looks awsome