I hear what you are saying, and I only race and am not the guys who make the rules. I just look at stuff open minded, and my wife hates me for that. Because I don't side with her. Lol...
I have to wear both hats for the SC but even when I feel strongly about something. If there is the hint of my opinion not allowing fair play or not helping everyone with a remote in their hand then I have to either justify my opinion as needed for Everyone or shut up.
I can see both sides with Cut and Shuts - No you can not cut a 1:1 tire and glue it back together. But you can pick from a list the size of my arm for a single style of Irocks.
We have 2 main rims sizes and when most companies make a 2.2 tire they can not afford a 5in - 5.5in - 6in ect ect ect. Cut and shuts allow the user to build to the scale of his truck and tastes - Without getting any true advantage on course.
Cause Doc you seem to be one of the main speed runners out there in Cali - Do you think, lets say, a 1in smaller 2.2 pitbull is going to pull 15-30sec or more off your lap times?
We are still talking about a scale tire - Not a pin tire or SC tire.