Ok, I have been really busy the last few days with my garage 'overhaul' to jump into this conversation but after reading every single post in this thread this morning, these are my thoughts on this tire topic..
As the rules state, tires should remain scale, as scale as possible and I completely agree, the should, in size, looks and performance.
As a competitor since basically the conception in both Comp crawling and U4RC racing, I feel there is no need for cut and shuts tires in U4RC racing, like you would want and need to do in Comp crawling..
Going fast, bashing and thrashing on rocks don't require "The Perfect Tire" by making some 'perfect' cut and shuts. We have had winners in U4RC, in all classes win with whats out and avalible now and whats allowed or that are very scale looking.
What I personally would like to see out of a NEW U4 tire are these 3 things mainly..
First and foremost, SCALE Appearance, the more real they look, the better, HANDS DOWN. Second of course would be the compound, soft and
sticky, yet tough and durable to take going fast over rocks and last would be size proportion, witch points back to 'first and foremost', Scale-ness, it must look real to feel real is my theory..
Alot of us builders try so hard to make our rigs to look as scale as possible and when we race, a scale looking tire, that performs well only enhances what we build, this is why it is this way in the rules, its important.;-)
I may not be a LEAD contender in our race series or the best at driving but its getting better lol but I do know how to build a scale rig and how it should look and preform and tires are play an important role in that!
Either way, I am very exited to see what VooDoo comes up with, hopefully it becomes the 'best tire out there' if the design is right! "thumbsup"