Ok I got some parts in and replaced a broken one.
First I must say rest in Peace Mamba Max you lived a life too fast for most. 2009-2013 :ror:
It started over heating and shutting down within 5 minutes of being plugged in a couple times, plugged it in the last time and I got nothing.
So anyway it got replaced with a Mamba Max pro minus the fan.
it was a little of a tight fit, but I got it in, minus the wires. :ror:
After that I got some parts in the mail.

RCmart hooked it up! :ror: They sent me a sweet coaster and a pen the is kind of a set of calipers too. I'm not complaining, both have already been used.
On yeah I got some rubber sealed bearings and a Sway bar set (stabilizer) too. :mrgreen:
The sway bar set is kind of strange, it requires you to have some NN parts from the kit, which are only used for the sway bars and has some option narps (collars) that can go on too. I didn't feel like looking for some in my junk so the sway bars went on with them.
I went with the pink bar in the front (lightest) and the silver bar in the back (heaviest). Just by feeling them I don't feel much of a difference, but the real test with be driving it. The tolerances are really tight in the front, it doesn't seem quite right so I might have to play with it a little. The rear is good though and requires some spacers, again from the NN parts tree, to clear the camber links.
While I was working on the car I replaced my Kimbrough server saver with a new one. The old one developed some play over the last year and I wanted to fix the angle on the link. This is the first time I have removed the servo since I put the servo saver on, I replaced the philips screws with stainless allen head and took the stock spacers off the servo mounts. Clears perfectly now.
I didn't have the energy to put the bearings in. In the next couple weeks I will do it so I can rebuild the diffs before the Colorado Rally Championship series starts.