I think a wider wheel will help for sure, I still think a Rover foam is too stiff in a Rover, at least one with decent tread. Maybe my fix would be to find a better worn out pair?
When I ran my Rovers on a 1" wheel it was barely tolerable. On a .9" wide it was a nightmare! I think thats why I am digging the Sedonas so much, the Rover foam in those are absolutely perfect!
Ryan, do you know what CI single stage is like? I am wondering how the single stage foam he sells compares to a Rover. I am also wondering how a 5.0 inner and a soft outer would feel compared to a Rover foam. I dont have any 5.0 inners, guess I need to try some?
Since I have your guy's attention... let's figure it out. I'll send you foams, you guys do the public review, and hopefully the entire comp community will benefit. Send me an email Erik and I'll send you some foams to test.