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Silent outrunner and ESC for less then $60

Do you know what version you used? V1.3 has been pulled because of excessive heat so if you've got that one might be worth swapping to 1.10 which is the current latest version I think

Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk

Oh okay, the one that I have is 1.20, I think this one has been taken out also since I don't see it anymore in the github. Btw, do you have the default / baseline settings that works for this firmware, it's for my reference in case the settings changed during the flashing process.
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I am confused...? Did you try to put HH software onto the Iflight esc? Or do you have both escs?

No, I was talking about HuckFlynn's AM32 crawler. I have both esc, the reference for Holmes is due to my experience with it that might also happened here which is some of the settings are changed during the upgrade process.
For AM32 v1.80 there are two version of firmware for iflight, the second with BLITZ_G in the name. Any info on this BLITZ_G version?

Quick update: i have just try flashing the AM32 Crawler v1.10, it's still run too hot for my iflight 55. After that I flashed the AM32 v1.80, and its been running cooler, but not as cool as the v1.74 dixie low heat
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Oh okay, the one that I have is 1.20, I think this one has been taken out also since I don't see it anymore in the github. Btw, do you have the default / baseline settings that works for this firmware, it's for my reference in case the settings changed during the flashing process.
"thumbsup" I ran a quick test with the 1.80 too ..not really convincing...went back to 1.78
I will wait until Alka comes up with something more stable.:mrgreen:
BTW the "blitz" version I wont touch...too many funky features with it .
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Well, after some tinkering with the v1.80, I can make it run as cool as the v1.74 low heat made by voodoobrew. Turns out in the new config tool (1.82) there is an option to adjust sine mode power, I turn down my setings to 5 and now it's running cool (still limited to indoor trial). I also tinkering with the other settings to get the smoothest transition between sine and trap. Here is my latest settings:

Tick on:
Complementary PWM
Variable PWM
Brake On Stop
Stall Protection
Sinusoidal Startup

0 Timing Advance
50 Start Up Power (lowest)
10 Stopped Brake Level
25 Sine Startup Range
5 Sine Mode Power
10 Running Brake Level (I truly don't know what the difference between this and Stopped Brake Level, is this similar to Brake Ramp settings in Castle esc?)

This settings might not be applicable to your esc/motor/gearing combo

Here is mine:
ESC is an iFLight Succexx 55A
Motor is Holmes Revolver V2 1800kv
Gearbox 3 Gears with (i think) 13t pinion and 87t spur
AR44 axles (24/8 front 30/8 rear)

So far, this settings give me the smoothest sine to trap transition
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Well, after some tinkering with the v1.80, I can make it run as cool as the v1.74 low heat made by voodoobrew. Turns out in the new config tool (1.82) there is an option to adjust sine mode power, I turn down my setings to 5 and now it's running cool (still limited to indoor trial). I also tinkering with the other settings to get the smoothest transition between sine and trap. Here is my latest settings:

Tick on:
Complementary PWM
Variable PWM
Brake On Stop
Stall Protection
Sinusoidal Startup

0 Timing Advance
50 Start Up Power (lowest)
10 Stopped Brake Level
25 Sine Startup Range
5 Sine Mode Power
10 Running Brake Level (I truly don't know what the difference between this and Stopped Brake Level, is this similar to Brake Ramp settings in Castle esc?)

This settings might not be applicable to your esc/motor/gearing combo

Here is mine:
ESC is an iFLight Succexx 55A
Motor is Holmes Revolver V2 1800kv
Gearbox 3 Gears with (i think) 13t pinion and 87t spur
AR44 axles (24/8 front 30/8 rear)

So far, this settings give me the smoothest sine to trap transition

It is not recommended to run 0 timing advance. Default of 15 degrees should work for most motors based on my research.

Not the same ESC or firmware, but you'll notice some similarities in the video below. 😉

Its to set up "freewheelin"...check out the slack thread ;)
Why is your start up power so low ??

In my trial, higher start up power will exaggerate the cogging like effect during the transition from sine to trap, by reducing the starting power those effect is reduced. But then again, after I tinkering more with the f/w v1.8 with the new 1.82 config tool which has the sine mode power adjustment, I can achieve a smoother transition through lowering the sine mode power (5) but at the same time widening the sine startup range to the max (25). After doing this, the change on the start up power (50, 100, or 120) does not significantly change the transition anymore.
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It is not recommended to run 0 timing advance. Default of 15 degrees should work for most motors based on my research.

Not the same ESC or firmware, but you'll notice some similarities in the video below. ��


Hmmm, okay, from the video i can see the reason not to set it too low "it would not commutating well on high rpm and could smoke your components". yikes! I draw my conclusion based on the similar term used in automotive engine, where on the slow rpm application (like crawler) it is better to use less timing, compared to the high rpm application (like dragster). From the explanation I can sense that the logic is similar, although from the technical perspective it should be different altogether. Bottom line, the use of low timing advance in high rpm is not recommended, and since on my crawler application in some scenario I pushed my motor to the max (although not for long period, usually to punch through obstacles) then I should follow the recommendation.
Thank you
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Higher startup power increases torque I think. So it should cog less. But when it cogs it is more obvious. I could be or probably am wrong though. I forget things really fast.

Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
Higher startup power increases torque I think. So it should cog less. But when it cogs it is more obvious. I could be or probably am wrong though. I forget things really fast.

Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk

Agree, this is what I have been observed, when it's cogging increasing the startup power makes the cog more pronounced. That's why I reduced it. But now with the sine wave power adjustable, I can adjust the sine wave power lower (5), but at the same time maximize its range (25) without being fear of overheating. In my setup, this has effectively reduce the cogging from noticeable vibration to a single bump on transition from sine to trap. I have now increase my startup power back to 100. If Alka could further expand the sine wave range (perhaps to 40), the transition might be similar to the Holmes Crawlmaster Mini transition.
Perhaps the startup power is to trap as sine startup power is to sine. Meaning startup power will not affect sinusoidal speed but increasing it will increase the initial trap speed and torque creating a larger speed difference between trap and sine and thus a larger more obvious transition jump and bump in speed. Not the same as cogging though.

Sine startup has a much greater effect on sine torque and startup power has more effect on initial trap speed. Meaning increasing sine startup is a terrible way and not the way to make the sine to trap speed gap smaller. Mostly increasing sine start makes more heat an reduces sine cogging.

I'm kinda guessing. I haven't gone over the code in months. I never totally understood or looked into startup power. Sine startup I am more familiar with because initially it was to high for the wraith. And too low for scx24 motors. So I had to edit the code manually for them.

Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
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Sorry..but then you "observed" wrong ..maybe your drive train is dragging somewhere :mrgreen:
Nope, I am sure of what I observed and my drivetrain is fine. I have the same suspicion as what voodoobrew said above, the startup power seems to only effect trap mode run, hence increasing it so much will widen the torque gap between the end of sine mode to the start of trap mode.

Sent from my Redmi Note 8 Pro using Tapatalk