Quarry Creeper
venom how about cv rebuild kits:!:not breaking the axles,just the pins.
i was testing my new creeper in the backyard, creeper was climbing the rock and front right wheel was pushing all the vehicle (i believe it was hanged on the Transmission Housing, coz have no new skid), then i saw left wheel started to spin, i thought something is broken, damn...
so look what was broken
more than that, pin is bended
more pix -
venom how about cv rebuild kits:!:not breaking the axles,just the pins.
Are you planning releasing the axles on their own??
This is the companies fault. They are slow and act like amatures. I'm an unemployed 21 year old and I know I could run this company better than how it is right now.
This is my .02 cents. Since I already have the truck and no job i'm obviously going to work with what I got. But I would rather have started off with another brand instead of dealing with a company that doesn't have it together.
I'm an unemployed 21 year old and I know I could run this company better than how it is right now.
......I'm not saying Venom didn't do anything wrong managing this product, at the very least they shouldn't have promised it early......
This is the part where i bite my tongue!!
Good luck with the home made shaft dig!
If I was a big corperate company like venom. Maybe you should learn how to spell corporate before you tell us how you can run a huge corporation. :roll:I would have the crawler, dig, extra parts, etc. Already made up and ready for sale. Ummm the dig is an option part you bought the creeper Knowing that it would be released at a later date. Now I wouldn't offer the dig or other parts for maybe a month after the first sales of the truck. Why? fill us in on you thought here? Product testing doesn't take this long! Your sure of this huh? I guess everything you have ever done has been perfect everytime? This is the companies fault. Whats their fault? that they are taking the time to make this dig right? I'm sorry is that a bad thing? They are slow and act like amatures. Whos the amature here? Im sure the guy who plunges the toilet at Venom can spell amatures correct. I'm an unemployed 21 year old Enough said! and I know I could run this company better than how it is right now. So let us in on your business plan, Im sure Venom would be happy to give you a job as their president and CEO once you learn how to spell.
This is my .02 cents.Thank god its not an entire dollars worth of thought Since I already have the truck and no job :roll: i'm obviously going to work with what I got. So why are you posting this hateful thread? But I would rather have started off with another brand instead of dealing with a company that doesn't have it together. So hurry up and sell it its not to late to buy an axial...
Ever build a proper one or use one?
The shaft dig actually works great. I use one and unlike some tranny dig units I saw this weekend at the comp, which allowed the rig to roll backwards 2-3 inches while trying to engage when on the wall, my shaft dig engaged and held tight with no roll back.