First scaler that has my interest since the rc4wds Gelande cruiser. Like that it has a transfer case, HPI has been paying attention "thumbsup"
Only in that an employee at axial used to be a designer at HPI... I think.I'm looking forward to seeing/reading more about this- it looks like it could be a fun rig. Doesn't Axial have some involvement with the HPI brand name? ( I'm not sure about it, that's why I'm asking. "thumbsup")
Better front end shot.
Pan hard and tierod not parallel... bump steer out of the box?
You cant even see the tie rod. Its BTA.:roll:
I wonder about the "scaleness" of the BTA steering. I can only recall seeing that on medium/heavy duty trucks.
I wonder about the "scaleness" of the BTA steering. I can only recall seeing that on medium/heavy duty trucks.
All this and nothing...just quiet. Probably be waiting until RCX show in March...