Got trouble with my crawlmaster mini again. The esc suddenly stopped working like normal. The motor stalled, and won’t start again. You can hear the motor cogging, but it will not drive. When I disconnected the battery and powered up again, the startup sound won’t work. But the motor and esc got power, and the motor coggs when using the throttle. Tried to Flash the software again, but that did not work. The esc was cold when it stopped working, so no termal issues. Any suggestions for troubleshooting?
I’m not sure I’ve posted this before, but I couldn’t get y crawlmaster mini to arm. I’d plug a battery in have power and steering but no motor. John robert Holmes told me to bump my throttle trim up or down 60 clicks. I did that, and haven’t had any issues with it since. Not sure this will help you but good luck and let us know what you find
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