I dont see any issues with the large 2nd except for clearance with the adapter on the small 3rd. That was taken into consideration with your new adapters so that should not be an issue.
Here are some pics of the case mod. I will also update the 5th post in this tread everytime there is a change so that way you can always count on going back to that post for the most up to date info.
You need to modify the motor side of the case. The large 3rd and large 2nd ended up getting pushed further towards the motor.
You will need to drill a hole in the small 2nd bearing pocket. Put the bearing in and then use the drill. This will ensure you drill accurately. If you have a 5mm drill bit, perfect. If not, a 3/16 or 13/64 will work just fine with some work. If you use a 13/64, you wont be able to use the bearing as a guide. Use the 3/16 as a pilot hole and then step up to the 13/64.
The large 3rd needs to have the case ground. You can do this a lot of different ways. When I try to do things the first time, I make sure I dont use fancy tools such as my mill so I can be sure you guys can do the same. I ended up using an exacto knife for the most part and then cleaned up with my dremel.
Thats it for the case mods.
The bearing/gear/adapter setup is different now. Here is the current configuration, motor side to non motor side:
5x10x3 bearing, gears, adapter for 2nd, 6x10x3 bearing, .5mm shim
.5mm shim, 5x10x4 bearing, gears, adapter for 3rd, 5x10x4 bearing, .5mm shim.
I sent out 5x10x4 bearings along with the corrected adapters for the 3rds yesterday. As soon as this gets set in stone, I will modify the adapters so that we can eliminate the .5mm shim on the non motor side bearings. No matter what, we will still need that shim on the motor side for the 3rd
Here is a picture of my gear contact. If this does not work, I think we are screwed LOL. I think it will be just fine.