I finally did a thing...I got some friggin' paint on the Stance body! I decided to try Tamiya's PS-47 Iridescent Purple/Green a shot. I should have taken some photos of this along the way, but I was two coats in with this paint and barely noticed any coloring on the body. You have to back this paint with Tamiya PS-5 Black so I was afraid. If you know me and paint, you know that if it can go wrong with paint it will go wrong for me!

But I laid down two more coats of the PS-47 and ended up finishing the can. I swear Tamiya used to put more paint in that can!

Then I backed it with black per the directions. And, surprisingly, it turned out just fine! I really like it. My girlfriend's son's love of purple may be rubbing off on me... I loved purple as a kid and then grew out of it, but this looks like anodized purple that turns to green and it is sweet! I'm pretty happy with this color and will be using it again.
This video shows it best, but a photo follow as well. CLICK the first image and it becomes a video.
I do have to say Vanquish's overfilm and window masks suck huge balls! First, the rear window mask ripped when I tried moving it. So I had to finish maskign the rear window with masking tape. Then after paint, it was hard to remove the masks and they kept tearing leaving behind small remnants and a bunch of adhesive. I have to find a way to remove the adhesive without scratching up the windows or fogging the Lexan. Please let me know what you've used with success to remove glue from polycarbonate bodies.
Also, the overfilm kept tearing as I was pulling that off. Super frustrating masks and overfilm. Or as this sticker says, they are a pain in my Rear
Now the only thing left on this truck is to see if I'm finished with decals that I started last night. I think I'm going to stop where I'm at with decals, but I want to see it out in sunlight. Then the final step is shocks. I currently have built, but not filled S8E kit shocks on it, but I think I'm switching them out with Traxxas GTS and using the kit springs. I may try to order some machined shock pistons from Vanquish and eventually build the S8E shocks to see how they hold up for me.