Topher Builds
I wanna be Dave
New Cod out in 12 days, any COD fans here?
Picking it up tomorrow and will be on this weekend on Xbox live! The beta was okay, I’m looking forward to the hardcore variants. I find myself missing the pace of play of infinite warfare, I had a hard time with WW2 since it was boots in the ground and the hardcore mode didn’t have ricochet friendly fire. So annoying getting booted from friendly scorestreak kills.
Has anyone picked up Forza Horizon 4? I'm enjoying it quite a bit. Would be cool to play together with people from the community if someone else owns it.
I dug the demo a lot and will be snagging this as well. I played horizon 3 quite a bit. Just a fun, nonsensical low stress gaming.
Also really enjoying the EA 19 installments. NHL, FIFA, and madden are all great. Big improvements in these releases.
RDR2 in a few weeks then FO76! Tis the season.