I pesonally cannot consider myself a gamer. I just sometimes love to play something light like Roblox Games Play Free Online . The music in the games is good, the voice acting is excellent, and it’s pretty easy to get into, if you like competitive shooting games.
Mods this is spam... ROBLOX doesn’t have voice acting, good music, or competitive shooting :lmao:
Anyhow, I’ve been playing Dirt Rally 2.0 on the Xbox one x a little bit and have been blown away.
Anyone play ace combat yet and have some thoughts to share?
Like "thumbsup"
VR support isn't coming to DR 2.0 till summetime. So I'll have to wait to join the fun till then. Provided they fix all the other issues by then that is.
Gta5 on ps4. There are no other games that interest me and rockstar has been killing it with the updates!
Man I played GTA through 3 times on 3 consoles and never got bored. Damn good game.
I’ve yet to venture into the online world but the clips I’ve seen of those updates look bad a$$. Can a solo person survive online or do you need to have a crew to get anywhere?
I have beating it in single player down to a science. :lol: I played on ps4 for a couple years after they abandoned the platform.
No crew needed, anyone can play with anyone. I'm in a crew but there is only a couple of us still playing.
You can have like 6 businesses and there is constant work otherwise so you'll stay busy. If you get it on ps4 a buddy and myself will show you the ropes. We are grinders with over 150 million dollars each.
I just started buying the updates before Christmas, but I don’t play as much cause I’ve got to borrow a copy when I want to play.
I too still play GTA V. But I've never played online. It's basically my sandbox, just goof off game. I have it modded so much visually that I'd have to re-download the game to get online. LOL
Oh god no. Do NOT invent money into consoles. They are 2-3 video card generations behind whats current. And for the money of a console, most can upgrade there current PC with a 300 dollar video card that will run circles around all consoles and give you a much wider breath of games to play. And now that windows 10 computers can play all xbox games, I dont see why anyone would buy a console? Why spend 300-500 for outdated video power console only to have to pay a monthly subscription to play online? No thanks.
Because I dont have, nor do I want a PC of any sort. I do everything from my phone except play GTA. 65" of samsung goodness to stare at is enough for me. Yea I know computer monitors have better graphics but I'm ok. :lol:
We all know you do things differently.. You must have 8hrs of screen time a day. You might get TECH NECK living that way...:lmao:
But your cell phone is a computer. So you do have and want a PC technically.
Im sure it looks very nice on your 65". But I would never recommend a console to anyone looking to game.
Id rather them buy a entry level dell from best buy and get all the perks of new computer with windows 10 and xbox live built in.
Thats my point. How you get to the end result is ok with me. We all have our reasons. I just believe your days are numbered and you are on borrowed time with console gaming.
I just believe your days are numbered and you are on borrowed time with console gaming.