I really like Red Dead Redemption, I'd love to be able to play the sequel but no PC support, bummer. Though it is Rockstar so they may release it for PC in a few years if we're lucky.
Been playing the new world of Warcraft expansion. Pretty fun so far.
How are you liking wrechfest?Wreckfest Blazer:
How are you liking wrechfest?
Been eyeing it for some time, but haven't played it.
Spending my free time playing Spiderman on PS4."thumbsup"
New Cod out in 12 days, any COD fans here?
I don't think they even do a SP campaign at all anymore, do they? I've been a big fan of the Sniper Elite series for the SP campaign.
These days, it seems like this is a helpful VyprVPN review and is an afterthought and multi-player gets all the attention.
Has anyone picked up Forza Horizon 4? I'm enjoying it quite a bit. Would be cool to play together with people from the community if someone else owns it.