been playing a lot of Rust and Ark lately. I love puzzle games like Anitichamber, Human Fall Flat, Portal 1 and 2, Q.U.B.E.
Havent played racing games in a long while.
Also a fan of old school fast paced FPS like Unreal Tournament. If you like that old school Quake/Doom/Unreal FPS check out a game called Xonotic, its free and dam fun.
waiting for the Rage 2 to be released. I liked playing the first one.
One of these days HL3 will be released :lmao:"thumbsup"
Never owned a console.
Downloading Xonotic now, Thanks!
I'll probably drop dead of a stroke or heart attack the day they release Half-Life 3...
My fave game of all time was definitely the original Unreal Tournament from 1999. I used to play almost nothing but first-person shooters, exclusively in campaign or deathmatch mode. I never play online, if the game didn't have good enough AI to provide a challenge, I wouldn't buy it. Online play doesn't burn-off stress for me, it creates it.
Played all the older sci-fi type shooters, and then all the military shooters.
I later got into some Rage, FarCry3 (Blood Dragon, anyone?), Dishonoured, and Borderlands.
For quite some time, however, I've almost exclusively played driving games like the Dirt series and Forza Horizon 3.
Again, I stay away from online except when Forza offers a reward for something that HAS to be done online...
Quite some time ago when I worked as a locksmith, the bookmaker for the company used to chide me about my carefully researched and assembled, overclocked, overvolted, and liquid-cooled gaming PC - she'd say "Are ya goin' out on the town this weekend, or just spending time with your square-headed girlfriend?"
I thought it was so damn hilarious all my subsequent gaming builds have been named SquareHead v2, v3, etc. "thumbsup"
My current PC is nearing a hardware refresh point, but thankfully it was built with enough "juice" that it's still handling current titles perfectly fine at ultra quality / 1920x1080 / 144Hz refresh rate.
My eyes aren't good enough to make it worthwhile to go 4K resolution, I play on a 27" monitor with my face less than 2 feet away - what's the point? ;-)
Plus, not having to get a new upper-tier GPU or CPU allows me to buy MOAR RC!!!
My parts are a combo of MSI (Mobo/GPU), Samsung (512GB enterprise-class SSD) and Corsair (everything else)...
I do have a few MNPCTech modder parts, a few DIY appearance mods, DemciFlex magnetic filters covering all intakes, and a stonking audio setup that includes a Behringer 5-track mixer and a pair of KRK Rokit6 G2 studio monitors (HUGE internally bi-amped speakers) sitting on either side of my monitor on Auralex acoustic foam wedges to isolate the base from my desktop - that way I never get noise complaints from my neighbors.
I suppose I am in love with my square-headed girlfriend...