Topher Builds
I wanna be Dave
Anyone have any feedback for kingdom of hearts III, Anthem, or Ace Combat 7?
Anyone have any feedback for kingdom of hearts III, Anthem, or Ace Combat 7?
What do you guys think about that new XBox that doesn't have a disk drive, just a 1tb HDD?
I don't have a current system and really only played games like Forza (racing sim and Horizon) on XBox and Gran Tourismo on my PS (pre PSOne or PS2) and haven't played any games in a few years, but wouldn't mind getting into the newer Forza games in an, at best, casual way.
Are any of you guys playing the Switch? I have one because I love the Super Mario games. Super Mario Odyssey is awesome. Zelda is great too, but I don't have the attention span to get sucked into those games for long anymore.
I just bought Trials Rising. I love those games!
Are any of you guys playing the Switch? I have one because I love the Super Mario games. Super Mario Odyssey is awesome. Zelda is great too, but I don't have the attention span to get sucked into those games for long anymore.
I just bought Trials Rising. I love those games!
I didn’t know that came out but that’s cool! The only game I have on disc any more is rocksmith. Having soft copies has made it too convenient to have to deal with switching discs around.
Sony saw this coming with the PS4 but they were early (opted against 4K blu ray drive) with the quality of streaming media and how quick it is to download full games and updates it makes sense to skip the cost of the disc drive that not everyone uses.
I’ve been blown away by DiRT 2.0 lately. It’s all I play anymore aside from rocksmith and fifa.
It's a good idea or design. But, for the same price and more games you can get a Xbox One S on sale and have the 4K Blu-Ray drive installed if you buy a movie on disc. They are looking to get new gamers that don't have an xbox but it just isn't practical with what is offered at the moment. I would still buy the ONE S with drive installed first before the All Digital edition just for the safety net of having the drive for used games.
I use 2 external HDD's for storage so the internal capacity isn't a big deal but putting 1TB in there is a good idea. It will fill up quick with newer games coming out. RDR2 is 100GB on the base game. M2C.
I’ve been blown away by DiRT 2.0 lately. It’s all I play anymore aside from rocksmith and fifa.
Are any of you guys playing the Switch? I have one because I love the Super Mario games. Super Mario Odyssey is awesome. Zelda is great too, but I don't have the attention span to get sucked into those games for long anymore.
I just bought Trials Rising. I love those games!
I picked it up because it was on sale the other day (was waiting for VR support, which is coming this summer), and I've put about 7 hours into it. It looks great, but something is just off compared to DR1 in the physics and FFB department. It could be the physics are fine, but the shitty FFB implementation simply doesn't convey much about what the car is doing as there's no no texture or fine detail to the FFB at all. Only jolts and some front end feel come through, but the fine detail of every bump, rut, and ripple from DR1 is gone. Some tracks are better than others, and some are downright terrible.
Also, F1 2019 is coming out the end of June. I won't be buying it, but it looks amazing!
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
You don't have to be a hardcore sim racer. Just play on a wheel, it's broken and pretty much nothing from Codies on the issue.
Also, Spintires MudRunner got a pretty cool new vintage DLC at the end of April. Gonna have to fire it up and see how they are.
You don't have to be a hardcore sim racer. Just play on a wheel, it's broken and pretty much nothing from Codies on the issue.
Also, Spintires MudRunner got a pretty cool new vintage DLC at the end of April. Gonna have to fire it up and see how they are.
Currently just waiting on Borderlands 3 or World of Warcraft Classic so I'm playing Borderlands 2 a bit in the meantime. I've hit that phase again where gaming can't really keep my attention since spring is finally here.
Currently just waiting on Borderlands 3 or World of Warcraft Classic so I'm playing Borderlands 2 a bit in the meantime. I've hit that phase again where gaming can't really keep my attention since spring is finally here.