Thought i would do up some smoked jalepenos seeing as i had a few briquettes
lying around and some pickled chilli's in the fridge.Dusted off the smoker and got to work...
Cut the chillis in half,gut them of seeds and viens.I put them in paper towel and leave them
in the fridge for a bit to dry them out.
Get a block of cheddar,cut some off and put it in the mortor and pestle with black pepper
, half a clove of garlic,some wasabi and some onion soup mix.Mash it up.
Stuff your chillis and wrap with bacon,shove a toothpick through to hold them together.
Get em in the smoker
Half an hour later,get ready to stuff your face
Below is a pic of my little smoker i made out of an old beer keg.Just cut the keg in half,weld hinges on it
drill a hole in the top for a thermometer and cut a grill to fit in and put on a vent.I had most of the crap lying around
and it cost me about $7 to make.Works a treat.-
Hopefully i'll be using it over christmas
I need another jar of these chillis,or two.No matter how many i make there gone in minutes.