Man you guys know how to eat.
I totally blame you guys for getting me addicted to hot sauce. lol
It started with one bottle then another,then another.
I've found a little shop near me called the spice wagon,it's the only place i can
find that sells pickled jalapenos hole.Apparently the old bloke who owns the place
hardly ever sells the whole ones,when i told him i eat them out the jar like gherkins
the look on his face was priceless.
Chilli doesn't really agree with my guts but i keep punishing myself anyway.Then i sit
on the porcelain throne and make a mess.Anyway,my new one is wasabi on toast with a fried egg.
Couldn't find it for the pic but damn i love that stuff.Hot English mustard too.
Here's a few out of my collection.The green lid one always favored.
The chillis in the jar are great.Leave them in the fridges for a day,nice and crispy.
I've also started doing chinese pickled vegies.Usually just cabbage.Has nothing on the
chillis though