Quarry Creeper
Thanks, sorry for the newb question but, how do i know if the engine runs hot or not? I have a nitro engine buggy this is my first experience with eletrical rc. I plan to use stock gearing for now to go uphills but in otder to climb i will go throtle all the way, how can i see the temps? I dont have a thermal gun to measure it. If i buy the gearing you said will it be fine? Or it will be better to go to the pro4 3300kv motor and reduce the trotle in the trsnsmitter so it will not give so much punch and break things, in order to work with a lower temp or i just should use 3s batteries to foff and 2s to trails and crawling(i already have a 2s 5000 mah 50c from vennon) ?
Thanks but i am really concerned with motor temps going up hills with 34degrees in sand o will use it most of time on sand and dirt, no water and some crawling too.
Sounds like you should just get the pro4, it will have more "punch" and help in the sand.
Run 3s and the gearing Harley suggested, definately 32pitch with that motor.
No temp gun? you should be able to hold your finger on the motor for a minimum of 3-5 seconds... that's approx 140F or 60C. I don't run more than 60-65C on motors I like. That way if you have a bearing go bad and find your motor 20C hotter than normal it's only at 80C and not a paperweight.
2s will work great for going slow.
Plan on buying all the available drivetrain upgrades soon. Trans gears, diffs/lockers, and driveshafts... get spares of these if you don't have a lhs, axles too. No whining when parts start flying off of it either
