Now I have a 32p 60t spur gear and a traxxas 12t titan motor. Which pinion gear is the best choice for this?
Which motor with a speed like the 12t titan or the original motor are recommandable and wich gearing I need?
I will run it in mud und will not a brushless combo.
can a mamba max pro run a 6.5T tekin sc4x on 4s?
Speedweigand, Y do u think the motor will burn up 4s, its rated for 4s?
I have read through this ..mostly , Is anyone running the pro4 4600 motor ? if so how does it crawl ? I realise it will be spastic fast but i do like to get into the rocks aswell ! im considering buying another wraith one fast one to crawl .
Cheers Doug
How fast would you estimate your wraith with the pro 4 3300 is harley ? like estimated top speed on flat ground with stock gearing ?There are a couple people running it, I haven't heard of them trying to use it much for crawling though. They were just trying to get lots of speed from their Wraith.
hi there harley i already read the posts.
but i wanted to know what do you think about the mamba max pro sct with the 4 pole engine 1410 3800kv of castle creations.
i know its best a sensored motor for crawl like those
Good speed and OK crawling: Tekin 13.5 Redline (or Tekin Pro 4 3300) and Castle Mamba Max Pro – Faster than stock 20t motor and fairly smooth low end. Not a good choice for water or mud.
but i want a wraith for go up hills most of the time and do some crawling, whats the best motor for this? can i crawl with the castle 1410 3800kv?
i will be using a 2s venom battery 5000mah 50c.
and i would like you to tell me the best engine for this for example
1-tekin pro4 3300 best one for this
2-tekin 13,5 redline
and all the rest
has anyone tried to crawl with the castle 3800kv 4 pole and mamba max pro esc? i like castle because they make great engine but they are not sensoredbut they gave one year warranty and tekin doesnt.
do i need to make any gearing? wich one?
thanks in advance
No, like the posts say, you must use sensored. Some have used sensorless like the VXL but after personally running it I can say that it is a useless setup.
The Pro4 has great power but means you'll be upgrading a lot more. The 13.5 is a great setup that will do well all around but makes less power.
its best the pro4 3300 right? especially for bashing better speed right?
what do i have to upgrade? pinion? and spur?
i just need power to go up hills and sand dunes to crawl i will reduce the trotle to the minimum, but if it doenst have enough rpm it will not go up hills has i wanted to.
all i want is a good set up even i have to spent a little more but i want a good set up i love castle and the engines they make but you dont like the 3800kv 1410 engine because its not sensored right? if i put it (for price reasons) will i be able to crawl with it or not?
thanks for the quick reply harley.
No sensor = no crawling.
The Pro4 will mean upgrading everything from gears to driveshafts, axle parts, links, etc.
The 13.5 will get up hills just fine too. The Pro4 is just a little extra. You may also plan on going 3s.
This is all covered in the 2 stickys that I have here.
ok i get it, you advise the 13.5 redline from tekin right? and change my battery for a 3s so that i could get the most rpm of the tekin to go uphills and use the 2s 5000mah 50c i have to crawl is that it?
or the pro4 and upgrade gear links (the driveshafts i already hardened them with a bolt inside) and i also bought the vanquisch steering knuckles and c-hubs rear lockouts and the tie tie rods also from vanquish, and also bought a hitec hs 7955tg servo to domain the beast with ease, at 4.8volts it outputs a power of 18.0kg-cm (249.96oz-in) at 6volt 24.0kg-cm(333.29oz-in).
i guess i will be needind a bec or a glitch buster, wich one do you think is best?
i was thinking on this glitch buster (its cheaper than the bec and easier to install)
Novak Glitch Buster Receiver Capacitor [NOV5626] | Radios & Accessories - A Main Hobbies
or this bec from castle
Castle Creations 10 Amp Adjustable BEC [CSE010-0004-00] | Electric Accessories - A Main Hobbies
in your opinion whats the best?
thanks for the reply, i will upgrade the links also but not now the rest i have is stock.
3s is fine in all circumstances.
13.5 from Tekin yes.
Pro4 will need more than that list of parts. Those driveshafts won't hold.
For what's needed, read the beginners guide and buy everything that is for beefing up the drivetrain.
It's all preference. You just have to read and chose for yourself.
You must install a BEC, it's not an option. Castle is best.
Ok thanks
So. I will buy castle bec
13.5 tekin and mamba max pro esc
Just one more thing i am worried. TEMPS on this motor?
I live in sunny fortaleza in brazil where average, average temp is arround 28 degrees and it can get to 34 easily by noon. Climbing uphills in sand dunes with this engine will it hold a good motor temp? I dont want to fry the engine. Do i need to change pinion or geating, or i can use stock gearing and just put the tekin 13.5 and i am good to go?
Thanks in advance.
Thanks, sorry for the newb question but, how do i know if the engine runs hot or not? I have a nitro engine buggy this is my first experience with eletrical rc. I plan to use stock gearing for now to go uphills but in otder to climb i will go throtle all the way, how can i see the temps? I dont have a thermal gun to measure it. If i buy the gearing you said will it be fine? Or it will be better to go to the pro4 3300kv motor and reduce the trotle in the trsnsmitter so it will not give so much punch and break things, in order to work with a lower temp or i just should use 3s batteries to foff and 2s to trails and crawling(i already have a 2s 5000 mah 50c from vennon) ?You will likely need to monitor the temps and adjust for your driving style. It's hard to say for sure if the gearing will have to be changed. Run it and see if it gets hot.
If you dont want to wait to order then get a 54 tooth, 32 pitch spur and a 13t 32 pitch pinion.