Please explain exactly which part was incorrect. OUR President is elected by the Electoral College, not the popular vote.
As for Democracy, The word “democracy” does not appear in the Constitution. Our nation is a Constitutional Republic, not a Democracy. The Founders feared Democracy (unrestricted rule by majority) and favored a Republic (rule of law where the law limits the government).
Do I don't believe everything I see on the Internet? No. I leave the starry eyed idol worship to those who who voted for Obama based on his color, hatred for the current administration, and those who were just plain sucked into the "Change" hype. I researched my choice for candidate based on my beliefs and views.
As for the "Republican Media Machine???? That's hysterical.:ror:
The networks, newspapers, and a majority of the cable "News" networks are all so biased to the left, that to call their product "reporting " is a bold face lie! Unlike so many, I did not fall prey to the liberal media's tidal wave of bias that wrapped Obama up in a pretty little package and presented to the public like a gift from God.
While I don't wear cowboy boots, I do worry that many of the rights, liberties, and freedoms I hold dear, are coming under attack from Mr. Obama and those who follow in his socialist doctrine. As such I will continue to exercise my rights and express my displeasure w/ his appointment.
I guess we'll see how that rose smells in a few months.