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!!! Graphic Warning!!! How not to trim toenails 🤣🤣🤣 not funny


RCC Addict
Mar 27, 2018
Ocala, Florida, USA
Thursday afternoon after hurricane Milton passed. Me and the little guy (3) were hanging out in the garage and he looks up at me and says Daddy Truck! As he pointed at the Senton hanging on the wall. I had charged up the batteries for it right before the hurricane just in case I needed the power. So of course I grab the truck put the batteries in and we go get the ramp. We were driving around for about five minutes when he started saying something to me that I couldn’t quite understand. So I let off the throttle as the truck was rolling towards me going about 12mph. I turned my attention to him to see what he was saying. Thinking that the truck would stop due to coming up the ditch to the road. Nope! I turn back just in time to watch this thing roll over my foot.


The A-arm caught my toenail just right going about 5mph. I know I know, I shouldn’t have been wearing flip flops. And I learned my lesson LoL! Holy hell guys! It surely didn’t feel nice! As I stand there, with my hands on my knees, sucking my breath through my teeth, waiting for the pain to really sit in. The little guy comes over, puts his hand on my shoulder and asked daddy are you OK? I said real calm yeah buddy I’m OK. He looks at my toe. Then back at me and says daddy is your toe OK? I said no buddy daddy’s toe is not so OK. Then he says you should go to the doctor. Then I took that picture.

Was just a fun story that I wanted to share. Even though it wasn’t fun. Hope I didn’t gross anyone out. Have a great day.!
Well at least you know the kid hasn't learned any swear words yet cause pretty sure one would've shot outta his mouth when he saw that lmao.

I'm bad about going to the ER. I probably would've wrapped it up and peeked at it for a few days to evaluate the condition. Hope you didn't go that route although not sure what a doc could do for that besides treat for infection and prescribe some ibuprofen.

A guy had his TRX4 in 2nd gear going full throttle ( heavy rig too... maybe 9-10lbs) and he wasn't paying attention. Wham! hit me right in the shin. Metal bumper too. Had a hell of a bruise for a couple weeks and it stung pretty good for a couple days but thankfully I was wearing jeans and boots.

Worst I ever did to my toe was dropping a driveshaft on it. Went to the ER for that one.
Oh he knows some. LoL! He’s a damn parrot!

I didn’t go to the doctor. I would have to be dying to go. I cleaned it up and put some Band-Aids on it. I left the nail on for a few days until it let loose of the nail bed. I would take the bandage off every evening when I got home from work and let it have some air and kept it clean. Everything healed good just keeping an eye on the nail now to make sure it grows in correctly.

RC car shinner! Nice!!! LoL! 🤣 I know that didn’t feel good.
Ah, well that would've been the perfect place to let out the "F" bomb lol. I'm sure he was genuinely concerned though if he knows that blood = pain.

Yeah, I feel like if I can get myself to the ER and fill out the paperwork and then wait for 30+ minutes without passing out, then there's really no reason to be there.

Ha... Some guy came up to ask about my buds rig and I guess he was showing him the 2-speed function but I never heard or saw it coming and it hit me like a cinder block. I dropped like a sack of wet sand. I assume that he was just distracted by the guy's interest... maybe he forgot his finger was on the trigger.. I dunno.
My 5 year old smashed his brand new at the time Aarma Typhon grom into his toe, wearing sandals straight in from the front. Peeled the toe nail back a bit but no blood. Lighter but faster rig.

He does know curse words and knows he's only allowed to use them at the correct time and not at school at all. He got it right that time though. "Ow, shit!"and some crying.

He also knows to turn the speed down on his own now.
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Ouch, speedy recovery and keep it clean!
My bro took an 1/8 buggy to the foot at the track a few years ago. Same thing happened except thru the shoe.
Nasty. It looks like it should be bloodier. Glad it healed up nice.

I put a nasty gash in my knee with a chainsaw once. Now I am hyper focused every time I have the saw in my hands. I narrowly escaped cutting onto my patella