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  • RCSC

Jato Goes Drifting


Staff member
Sep 25, 2008
RC drifting is similar to scale rock crawling. It is oddly satisfying, rewarding and relaxing. Don't know it until you try it!

There was a time when I was into bashing RC's and I thought crawling would be slow, boring and lame and not hold my interest. Obviously, that turned out to be far from the truth and scale rock crawlers hooked me like no other segment of RC has ever done before! Don't knock it until you try it! I've always been terrible at that and often knock thing before I try them. Learning to eat my words many times over the years has me making this assumption much less as an old man. :ROFLMAO:

Anyway, I was interested in RC drifting years ago when everybody was putting PVC tires on AWD touring cars, but that wasn't much fun and definitely didn't look realistic. Then it progressed to CS, or counter steer, drift chassis that were still AWD, but the rear wheels were dramatically overdriven so that you could get the rear end sliding while having to counter steer like in a 1:1 drift car. I had a Sakura D4 AWD and never found this fun nor could I get the hang of it. Now we have RWD RC drift cars thanks mostly to gyros. Never thought I'd see the day where we would be able to controllably drift an RWD RC car.

Fast forward a decade or so and Traxxas announces the 4-Tec Drift Mustang. That car can be thanked (or blamed) for really sucking me back into drifting. I thought it was crazy that Traxxas would enter such a small niche market. Apparently RC drifting has blown up across the world. And just look at that body...it's beautiful! The looks sucked me in. And I knew Traxxas wouldn't release a drift car unless anybody could drift it. I am always up for new challenges. I love learning about new hobbies and trying to learn how to do them. The only bad part was that I do not have a local drift track. This means I will be relegated to parking lots and open basketball or tennis courts if I can find them. That was another reason to choose a durable basher brand like Traxxas for my first RWD drift car. This Traxxas Mustang kept popping up in my social media feed and eventually I had to have one. These were only sold in stores for the first few weeks and my LHS did not have them, but the LHS in the next town over had them in every color except green. No biggie because I wanted the "orange" AKA copper one anyway.

Isn't she pretty?! :love: Next to scale truck guys, the drifting crowd does scale right. Traxxas gives you a good base to start. But the drift builds you will see are unreal, especially for Lexan bodies.

After a bunch of practice and learning to control my throttle trigger, I have gotten this far in my progress at drifting. Throttle control is uber important and that is something I have problems with. I live my life a quarter-mile at a time. :ROFLMAO: Not really that reckless in my "mature" years, but I do like going WFO in my truck, on my motorcycles and on RC. I'm a throttle jockey or, more accurately, a throttle junkie. Learning to modulate the throttle and steering is critical in drifting. You can't go from stopped to WFO and back to stopped or full lock left to full lock right or you're just not going to be good at drifting. Modulation is the key.

Click the image below to see my current progress. It is a video when you click on the image.

Drift cars do look awesome. On average, they are probably the 2nd best area of RC in the scale detail department after those construction equipment and semi truck nerds. The standard Traxxas 4-tec options were pretty good looking but the drift Mustang is a whole other level of cool.

Unfortunately, drifting falls into the category of RC stuff that I just can't get into. The last thing I need is another sweet looking RC to sit on a shelf.
Drift cars do look awesome. On average, they are probably the 2nd best area of RC in the scale detail department after those construction equipment and semi truck nerds. The standard Traxxas 4-tec options were pretty good looking but the drift Mustang is a whole other level of cool.

Unfortunately, drifting falls into the category of RC stuff that I just can't get into. The last thing I need is another sweet looking RC to sit on a shelf.

I'm more of a Chevy guy, but the Camaro re-re was never a great looking car, Chevy sucked at improving that and Chevy also sucked at marketing the car even during years where it was better than the Mustang. Then Chevy gave up on the Camaro again, but it was all Chevy's fault. There is a market for the Camaro and I'm guessing most of those people moved to the Mustang. I know I'm firmly in the Mustang camp now. It's a much better looking car even in terms of looks.

Good thing about drifting is that you can do it in all scales and that makes it perfect for indoor RCing during the cold winter months. That's a little thread teaser there...

awesome pics and running vid JTR, that thing drifts nicely (y) Great colour choice by the way (y)

Thank you!
My next step in drifting, because my addictive personality says you can't have just one, was to order a $60 shipped LDRC 1/18 RX-7 drifter on one of the Chinese websites. Delivery was handled by the ever-unreliable FedEx so it came late and the box was smashed like it had been handled like a football.

Thankfully the contents inside were marked safe from FedEx. Click on the image for quick, but cool video. 😂

On the recommendation of some people in the user group, I also ordered an increased angle 80° steering kit, upgraded tires and wheels, and a DasMikro v5 gyro. The car has an internal gyro, but it is said to not be the best. You can disable it and install a separate gyro. Unfortunately, I did not realize the gyro does not come with all of the required leads so I had to place yet another order from China and wait another week or two. Good I could play around with the car using the stock gyro until the connector wires arrive.

Honestly, I don't think the gyro is the absolute immediate must-have upgrade that some people are claiming. And I have yet to install the 80° steering kit or upgraded tires.

Before DasMikro gyro install (Click on images to view video):

After gyro install. In the second video you will see the front tires "hunting" which is because, unbeknownst to me, the gyro became unstuck from the chassis and it was flopping around. (Click on images to view video):

This thing is blast and going to come in handy this winter! My girlfriend is finishing her basement and she plans to install tiles. This may be mini drifting mecca! Just have to be careful not to scratch the pretty new surface. Although I'm sure her son and Zombie, the pit bull, will make the first marks.
one of the things i want to build is scale city with paved roads for drifting and touring
ive got a old trash dump that was buried under a mound of sand i need to cover with something i think a concrete city/ drift track would be perfict
one of the things i want to build is scale city with paved roads for drifting and touring
ive got a old trash dump that was buried under a mound of sand i need to cover with something i think a concrete city/ drift track would be perfict
That sounds awesome. My RC friends and I were talking about this last night. If I had FU money, I'd have a scale city with an on-road race track, drift track, dirt track with jumps, roads for semis, and even an airstrip for planes.
That sounds awesome. My RC friends and I were talking about this last night. If I had FU money, I'd have a scale city with an on-road race track, drift track, dirt track with jumps, roads for semis, and even an airstrip for planes.
dont forget the drag strip that could double as a runway though