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  • RCSC

Traxxas 4-Tec Drift


Staff member
Sep 25, 2008
Traxxas turned the 4-Tech 2.0 chassis into an RWD drift car. The steering angle is limited to 60° which is low for an RWD drifter, but the TSM Drift electronics should really help especially the beginners. I think this is pretty exciting for the drift segment. I should be wanting to build a drift kit from MST, Reve D or Yokomo, but for some reason this really has me intrigued! The bummer is the $329.95 price and it is brushed. No idea how Traxxas is justifying that price when the much larger and brushless Fiesta ST Rally with free charger and LiPo battery is the same price!!! The clipless Mustang body looks beautiful as well. Who is getting one?

-Clipless mounting Mustang body
-XL-5 ESC and 21T Titan Brushed Motor
-TQi Radio System with Wireless Module - this includes a handbrake
-Traxxas Stability Management (TSM) with 3 Drift Modes
-60° Angle Steering
-Rear Wheel Drive Chassis Layout




Hmmmm, i wont get myself one, as I still havent put together my MST FXX, nor painted the Volvo 740 station wagon body to go on it.

I'd like to see the actual differences between the two chassis though 4tec 4x4 and this.
They could make it a kit or retrofit.

I like the new clip less body innovation.


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Looks like the front end is almost completely different than my 4wd 2.0 and 3.0, though the shocks are apparently identical to the 2.0 and non F5 Hot Rod 3.0….as well and nearly identical to the shocks that came with my original belt drive E4T and the Nitro!

I am curious about it, but I would probably get a TRX-4 Sport High Trail or Modified/Mudboss first.
I couldn't resist. A LHS had the orange / metallic copper in stock and I got one. It is a ton of fun. A few years back I built a Sakura D4 RWD and I couldn't do crap with it. Definitely could not link many drifts. With this car and the TSM (Traxxas Stability Management), I can as you will see in the video below. That video was taken after driving the car for a few minutes for the first time ever. The clipless Mustang body is sexy too. The iPhone's terrible color reproduction doesn't do the paint justice.

Been eye balling these at the hobby shop. They only have black right now, waiting for new colors.

I’ve got a sn95 tt01 turned into a drifter and it works decent for a newbie like me. Same story, I built a nice rwd drift car and couldn’t drive that thing for my life. Spun out every time!
Dad and I ran by a shop the other day so he could get stuff for his E-Revo and they had a demo in that color that they were playing around with. Looked like it drove pretty good too. Did look at it too, and it appears that the front end is almost 100% new compared to the 2.0 and 3.0 and would love to see some non-Ford bodies too!
Did look at it too, and it appears that the front end is almost 100% new compared to the 2.0 and 3.0
Without busting out manuals and parts list. Im curious if the chassis is the same, and what the rear end looks like.
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AE "just" came out with a new drift car DC10.
Without busting out manuals and parts list. Im curious if the chassis is the same, and what the rear end looks like.
The 4-Tec Drift looks very similar to the 4-Tec 2.0 in photos. I think you could easily convert from one to the other. Again, this is just going off of photos, but it is Traxxas and they are great at parts bin engineering. Pic of the steering/front suspension below.

AE "just" came out with a new drift car DC10.
They sure did and it looks sweet, but that is only a slider kit and it costs nearly as much as the RTR 4-Tec Drift. Totally different class. The DC10 looks better suited for indoors where you wont scratch that pretty carbon chassis. I think I'd go with a Reve D RDX or MST RMX2 or even a Yokomo RD2 over the DC10 since they are more established. MST is coming out with and FRX RS that has a scale layout with motor centered in front and RWD. That chassis really has my interest. I just wish I had a local indoor track where I could get into the scene, meet people, learn from guys and drift with them. RCing with people always makes it better and I think drift would really benefit from this as you drift in tandem.

I can't believe more people on this site aren't interested in the 4-Tech Drift! I lunched my stock servo on Tuesday so after some posts on FB asking for good budget drift servo recommendations, I ordered an AGF-RC A50BHL. Apparently, they are the OEM for Yokomo servos and some other brands as well.

Without busting out manuals and parts list. Im curious if the chassis is the same, and what the rear end looks like.
Looked like the front “clip” was mostly new, I think the front shocks (minus oil and springs) l, bell cranks for the steering, and the front third of the chassis that everything bolts to is the same. It appeared that the link that ties the bellcranks together in the steering, front bulkhead, rest of the suspension, bumper and body mounts all looked different and specific to this car, though I need to look closer to see if the latter will bolt up to the 2.0 and 3.0 front end.