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any crawlers in MN?

freetimecrawler said:
I just finally heard from the guy I bought the tlt crawler from, his basement flooded with all the storms in Mo so he didn't get it sent till this Mon.
He said he got an email from RC Car Action mag and their gonna have that truck I bought in the mag next month, that would be kinda cool, I don't get that mag but I guess I'll look for it next month.
"Talk is cheap because supply exceeds demand"
Well that's cool that at least you know now that it should be on its way... But I don't know why a basement being flooded really holds him back from going to the post office. Oh well.
I get RC Car Action, so I'll look for the photo. And bring the mag to the next GTG.
I just paid for a set of Jugg axles. I'm looking forward to seeing where those will lead v3.0. Also found some other stuff I was looking for, so it looks like v3.0 might be forming. I need to hurry up since there is that big Midwest comp coming up in a few months. I want to have something crazy to show off.
Well, Tlt I bought finally showed yesterday. It was stretched a little bit to about 11", I hated the stock tlt chassis so I wasted no time in yanking everything off and stretching the wb to 12.5" and putting it all back together with the SW2 chassis and some new drive shafts. It looks and runs and should perform much better now. The setup I have now allows me to run the battery on the upper front links for lower cog and some extra weight over the front.
I still have a set of tlt axles and a pede tranny so I think, after I build a clod, I'm going to order another chassis of some kind and build another 2.2 tlt.
I'm still kinda undecided on a chassis for the clod? I think its either gonna be a stick or an NN. what do you guys think?

I don't know, that stick of Andy's was pretty cool; but that NN is awesome too. I'd look into a stick though if I was building a comp rig.
Re, saw you were looking for a sledgehammer tranny, I sold a bunch of junk on the net and have a few $ in my Paypal account, I sent Heavy the $25 so you don't have to wait a week to try your idea.
PM him your addy and he'll send it out to you .
Figured it was the least I could do for accidently breaking your axle shaft and putting you out of 4wd for a couple of weeks.

Swung by Hobby Wearhouse tonight on the way home, picked up a new Novak super duty ESC, 2 JR racing Z650M high torque metal gear servos 142 oz in @ 6.0 v, for the clod build and a heli, an E-flite Blade CP. Haven't figured out how to fly it yet but maybe tomorrow if the weathers nice I'll get some practice in.
Now all I need to do is decide on either the Stick or the NN chassis and get that ordered and get going on my clod build. I still have a set of new unbuilt tlt axles sitting around also, so I need to decide on a chassis for them and I'll have plenty to do. I already have a Bender SW2 tlt which I like, but I thought I might try another chassis for the 2nd tlt build.
I know I won't have my clod built yet, but I'm keeping an eye on the weather and thinking about maybe driving down for that Iowa April fools day Midwest GTG with my tlt, anyone interested?

freetimecrawler said:
Swung by Hobby Wearhouse tonight on the way home, picked up a new Novak super duty ESC, 2 JR racing Z650M high torque metal gear servos 142 oz in @ 6.0 v, for the clod build and a heli, an E-flite Blade CP. Haven't figured out how to fly it yet but maybe tomorrow if the weathers nice I'll get some practice in.
Now all I need to do is decide on either the Stick or the NN chassis and get that ordered and get going on my clod build. I still have a set of new unbuilt tlt axles sitting around also, so I need to decide on a chassis for them and I'll have plenty to do. I already have a Bender SW2 tlt which I like, but I thought I might try another chassis for the 2nd tlt build.
I know I won't have my clod built yet, but I'm keeping an eye on the weather and thinking about maybe driving down for that Iowa April fools day Midwest GTG with my tlt, anyone interested?


njoy the Heli. I bought a Blade CX a week ago. The thing is loads of fun. Its makingme want a non co-axil heli more and more.:mrgreen:
freetimecrawler said:
Re, saw you were looking for a sledgehammer tranny, I sold a bunch of junk on the net and have a few $ in my Paypal account, I sent Heavy the $25 so you don't have to wait a week to try your idea.
PM him your addy and he'll send it out to you .
Figured it was the least I could do for accidently breaking your axle shaft and putting you out of 4wd for a couple of weeks.


Thanks Troy! I really appreciate it! Cant wait to see what kind of damage I can do with it! The wife's not gonna see me for a couple weeks once that tranny and axles show up...
I'll be courious to see your project Re when you get it finished for testing.
Looks like most of this snows pretty much melted, I'm gonna go out to that spot in Burnsville for a little testing on my tlt probably Thurs afternoon since its supposed to maybe hit 60.

I know we were thinking MNRCRC in keeping with the theme of some of the other clubs, but..... How about since we're from the great state where the mighty Mississippi begins, How about Headwaters RC Crawlers? or something with the Land of lakes theme since we are. Just a thought. I know we haven't been listed as a club yet on RCC because we presently don't fit the criterion, so a name I guess isn't official untill, well, I guess we all decide??

Spring is apon us, I hope we can get somewhat orginized, gets some more folks out there for the gtg's (last turnout was good) and gets pic's and such to post here, I really could care less what our club name is, I was just throwing out ideas, babbling on here as I clean my desk. But I can picture a pretty cool logo for HeadWaters RC Crawlers.

Looks like J threw out the first Mn thread and Re is the longest standing member, how about it guys, anything in the works for a gtg soon now that the weathers getting nice?

Keep us posted, J, you haven't chimed in on the board for awhile? everything ok?
Working on some secret crawler projects?

Adogg, those tires/wheels look good on my tlt, but not as good as on your Bronco ;-)

Time to catch up on some paperwork:evil:

Later Gents,

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freetimecrawler said:
...and Re is the longest standing member...

< eh hem... (clearing throat) ;-):mrgreen:

My order from Tower arrives tomorrow ... Then i've got a lot of narrowing and dyeing to do. And hopefully the SW2 will be here soon. Plus a couple bodies to paint... i'll be busy.
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Adogg13x said:

< eh hem... (clearing throat) ;-):mrgreen:

My order from Tower arrives tomorrow ... Then i've got a lot of narrowing and dyeing to do. And hopefully the SW2 will be here soon. Plus a couple bodies to paint... i'll be busy.

I kinda meant the 3 of us, Rerock, 4x4rcfreek and myself who started talking about a club. Doesn't matter though to me who the contact person is, I'd just like to start getting a little official, as a club goes anyway. At least if we ever wanna be listed as a club here @ RCC.

Speaking of orders, I think I'm gonna order a NN chassis Fri for my clod, build that up then build another tlt, and then go for a clod stick.

I still haven't learned to fly that heli very well yet, of course I haven't had alot of time or non windy days to practice, I'll get it down yet.

Spent about 3 hours tonight doing paperwork and cleaning off my desk and hobby area, tax time sucks. :evil:

My crawler runs right now, but I'm still waiting on the parts to show up for the new design. I do have something to drive if we wanna get another GTG on the calender. I think with weather being nice like it is, we should get something going. Should we say like two or three weekends from 4/1? That would give people time to schedule and hopefully have a better turn out. I'ld be interested in checking out a new location too. Maybe some of that stuff you found Troy by the river? Let's see what else is out there eh? What are all your thoughts?
Whats up fellas, anyone ever been up to Taylors Falls? Its about an hour and a half away from the TC. Best spot I've seen, but I'm new to this. Me and my old man are finishing up our 1st crawler, I think you could almost call it a comp rig.;-)
hey, sorry bout my dissapearing act lately, I've been super busy. I'm down for another GTG as long as re will continue to let me come over and finish my maxx crawler.:lol: :mrgreen: I dont see why we cant get it done in a couple of hrs. I'll have to give ya a call sometime and work something out.
Hey north country, nice to see ya!!!!!!!!! I've been to taylors falls many times. Big rocks, big big rocks. Its another place to see though. hopefully you will be able to make it to the next GTG and run with the rest of us!
I've been kind of laying low myself. My son brought home a nice case of strep throat. Half the family caught it. Hasen't been fun... I'm kind of busy this weekend, but next week we can fingure something out. I was tossing around the idea of having like an "open shop night" where people can come over and work on stuff/whatever. That way shop stuff would be that one night a week to heep the wife happy, and coordinating would be easier. I think for productivity, we should get an earlier start on those links and stuff. That way I can get to bed at a decent time and still get a good chunk of stuff done. When those axles and stuff finally show up, I'lll be out there alot, so during that time, you can feel free to swing by and work on stuff.
I'm down for a GTG. I have my goliath done FINALY!!! It needs a few tweeks here and there. But I would like to run it with you guys and get your input.
I'll give freek a shout this weekend about setting up a GTG. We'll get something on the schedule for the 2nd official "MN collaborative crawling group" :mrgreen: GTG.